My beloved Fight Club DVD has a tiny scratch on it. Tracks 25 to 29 have problems. Is there anyway I can fix this or get an exchange?
Here’s what i’ve done with CD scratches. 3 for 3 so far. Not sure if DVDs will work as well.
- Get a Dremel or other rotary tool.
- Get a felt buffing wheel for use with the Dremel.
- Get plastic buffing compound.
- Use at relatively high speed (20-30,000 rpm) to buff the scratch, presumably reducing its depth or sharp edges.
- Wipe off remaining compound, play beautiful music.
Be conservative, you can always go back and do a little more. But if you’re not careful, it’s very easy to buff distortions into the plastic, or even to go through the plastic.
Most music stores and similar sell disc-repair kits, that can sometimes function fairly well.
Meguiars Mirror Glaze 10 Clear Plastic Polish.
It’s da schizznit for CD’s, plastic eyeglass lenses, Palm Pilot displays, etc.
To prevent this from happening to your other DVDs/CDs, there’s a product called DVDefender (also, CDefender). It’s a clear plastic overlay for your discs that’s supposed to protect them from scratches. When they get worn out, peel them off and apply a new one. I’ve seen at (the evil place that shall go unnamed) and you can go to this site: and order a catalog. They carry both items in bulk.