Dya know that ........

…it’s still illegal for white folks and black folks to marry in the state of Alabama? Actually, it’s a clause in the state constitution which says lawmakers cannot pass a law which allows whites to marry blacks. The major newspaper ran a poll and found that 9 out of ten Alabamans favor a November referendum to abolish this phrase even tho most folks wouldn’t take advantage of the amended constitution. OTOH, the opposition says that passage would give the false impression that the state was actively enforcing the law.

How accurate are these polls? Will this referendum be passed and how big of a margin?

IMHO: yes by 65%. What’s your estimate?

…hell? I can’t believe it took them this long to try changing that law :confused: My guess is that it will pass by 60% maybe. If it doesn’t that tells you how prejudiced the state reps are, so I doubt there will be a problem passing the law. We’ll see.

Pass, 76%.

Kiffa - is this really true? Bloody weird, if it is. I don’t live there, so maybe it’s not my business, but then, that sort of thing is everbody’s business. Good luck for your November referendum.

I live in Florida, but I heard about this on the tv news this evening. Shocking isn’t it? What’s even more shocking is that the opposition’s position… we don’t want to give you the impression that we don’t enforce the law so we don’t even want to talk about it! Dumb nuts if you ask me.