Dystopian Wars(steampunk miniatures wargame)

I just finished painting my [fleet](


Dystopian wars takes place in steampunk 1870’s earth, where wars are being fought between the Kingdom of Britannia, Prussian Empire ,Prussian Empire and everybody’s favorite the Empire of the Blazing Sun(Japan)

Some kind of supermetal/energy source made spectacular industrial advances possible, and now fleets that our earth would not see before WWII roam the oceans.

Dreadnoughts, aircraft cariers, Zeppelin sky fortresses and giant mecanical squids

thought the dope might want to know

Bad link, i think you meant this

Are those aerial dreadnoughts, or water-type dreadnoughts?

the French have a very cool flying battleship, they are not one of main fractions, but you can use them as allies

oh, here a pictureof a British battleship being attacked by a Japanese mechanical squid

I just ordered a small Japanese fleet along with the rules.

My biggest concern so far is that it looks like the Antarctica fleets will be the most popular. Coolest looking ones.
