So, I’m relatively new to ebay, and I bid on an item which I won last week on Wednedsay. I immediately requested shipping costs (as they were not fixed) so I could make my payment. I haven’t heard back from the seller yet.
Is there a point at which I can just “drop” this item? It’s something I need, and really can’t wait for, and there are plenty of others available. Is there propor protocol for abandoning an item I’ve won because of a non-responsive seller without incuring the wrath of the ebay gods?
You can file a non performing seller report (expand the ‘Additional Information’ section); sometimes this will act as a swift kick up the arse for the seller. I would say, though, that under normal circumstances - if it were not the case that you urgently require the item - it would probably be just a little early to be doing that at this stage.
If it is an item from a large seller, I would give him at least a week to respond- many of the larger sellers simply don’t have the time to respond to each auction that day, espcially if they have dozens of them. But an e-mail to him stating how urgent the item is would not be out of line.
Thanks! What is “appropriate” response time in e-bay land? I notice many sellers say “must pay within three days or item will be re-bid,” so I thought that that might be the limit on turn-around time for communication.
I think that is only fair. If the seller you are dealing with expects payment within 3 days, you should expect to at least be *contacted * within 3 days of the end of the auction. However, you should check to see what their policy is; it is up to the individual seller, there is no limit that all sellers must follow. But if they have a short payment time, turnabout is fair play. Drop a dime on 'em.