I know everything you’re telling me already. When you speak with your developers, you might wanna ask them specifically why this damn thing tries to re-install itself. If one issues a command to remove a piece of software, it should be quite apparent that an automatic and invisible re-install isn’t gonna be desired. Circumventing this by building an automatic and invisible re-install to a piece of software is not the practice of any reputable organization.
When speaking with your developers, ask 'em what the function of iniwin32.dll is. That’s the file that launches the automatic and invisible re-install. It has no purpose except to re-install iebhos32.dll once it’s been removed. Since it’s not recorded during the install procedure, a normal Windows uninstall of e2give has no effect on it. It’s left in the Windows\System32 folder to reinstall e2give. This is a most reprehensible and despicable practice.
Finally, go ahead and ask 'em about the random process & key names. That should be an interesting answer.
-----Original Message-----
From: E2Give Support [mailto:support@e2give.com]
Sent: Thursday, April 27, 2006 6:05 PM
To: ‘Robert Seaney’
Subject: RE: Removing E2Give
Sorry about the questions. I have to ask them as I do not know you personally. I will have to consult the software developers. I have helped many users remove this app and in my experience, once it is removed, that’s it. The only time that I found it coming back was when a users son had his own log in and the software was installed under that account.
The software rebuilds itself when it is partially removed.
As far as random process names and registry keys being generated, I did not answer you because I do not know what you are talking about.
You have to disable the anti spy ware because as you pointed out, anti spyware flags our software, thus it will not allow you to re-install it.
As far as paying for you anti spyware software: 1 - I did not recommend it, nor will I ever recommend it. 2 - Anti Spyware software is usually the cause of uninstall problems, because it hacks up the program. 3 - It did not work. You may want to return it.
I will have a solution for you tomorrow morning
-----Original Message-----
From: Robert Seaney [mailto:rseaney@teamsigma.com]
Sent: Thursday, April 27, 2006 2:42 PM
To: ‘E2Give Support’
Subject: RE: Removing E2Give
Yes, of course. C’mon. I’m not some stupid user here; I’ve followed the procedure you gave me - exactly as you suggested. Just tell me where you guys hide the file(s) from which this malicious thing keeps re-installing itself. I
And I’d really like answers to the other questions I’ve asked. Why is this thing designed to keep re-installing itself? Why does it run under random process names and random registry keys? These are NOT the hallmarks of legitimate software. Nor is the fact that I have to disable any anti-spyware or virus software that may be running. Finally, give me an address where I can send the invoice for the software I purchased attempting to remove your malware.
I’ve been polite and courteous up to this point. Some that certainly CANNOT
be said for your application. But my patience is at an end. want this
damned thing gone. NOW.
-----Original Message-----
From: E2Give Support [mailto:support@e2give.com]
Sent: Thursday, April 27, 2006 5:31 PM
To: ‘Robert Seaney’
Subject: RE: Removing E2Give
Did you reboot after uninstalling
-----Original Message-----
From: Robert Seaney [mailto:rseaney@teamsigma.com]
Sent: Thursday, April 27, 2006 1:59 PM
To: ‘E2Give Support’
Subject: RE: Removing E2Give
Yes, it was there after following your recommended procedure. It went away after choosing to uninstall, of course.
-----Original Message-----
From: E2Give Support [mailto:support@e2give.com]
Sent: Thursday, April 27, 2006 4:55 PM
To: ‘Robert Seaney’
Subject: RE: Removing E2Give
Is the e2give plugin showing up in the add /remove section of the windows control panel.
-----Original Message-----
From: Robert Seaney [mailto:rseaney@teamsigma.com]
Sent: Thursday, April 27, 2006 1:25 PM
To: ‘E2Give Support’
Subject: RE: Removing E2Give
Quite bluntly, you are entirely incorrect.
As reluctant as I was to follow your procedure for disabling my fixing the E2Give installation, and then uninstalling it, I went ahead and did it.
reluctance proved well-founded. Your procedure does nothing that I can see
- at least nothing beneficial. It may very well do more harm; I just don’t know yet. This thing is still trying to reinstall itself every few minutes.
And I’d still like to know, if your E2Give application is as benign as you seem to want me to believe, why is it designed such that it runs under a randomly named process and create randomly named registry keys?
Employing a
practice such as that, it seems to me, is a deliberate and conscious ploy to make removal of the software as difficult as possible. This is certainly not a practice a totally above-board software developer would use.
-----Original Message-----
From: E2Give Support [mailto:support@e2give.com]
Sent: Thursday, April 27, 2006 3:51 PM
To: ‘Robert Seaney’
Subject: RE: Removing E2Give
Just like many other programs on the market including such programs as Norton Anti Virus, if the program is hacked at and removed in pieces, it loses some of its original functionality. If you follow the instructions carefully, including and especially the part concerning the disabling of anti virus / anti spyware software, you will be successful in easily removing this app. The anti virus programs that just hack away at the parts of the software are usually the reason for difficulty in removing this app.
-----Original Message-----
From: Robert Seaney [mailto:rseaney@teamsigma.com]
Sent: Thursday, April 27, 2006 11:15 AM
To: ‘E2Give Support’
Subject: RE: Removing E2Give
<<I hope this helps you. Please let me know how it goes.>> Doesn’t help at all. And if this thing is designed so that it is “easily removed,” why does it keep re-installing itself? And why does it create randomly named registry keys? And a randomly named process?
-----Original Message-----
From: E2Give Support [mailto:support@e2give.com]
Sent: Thursday, April 27, 2006 12:42 PM
To: ‘r seaney’
Subject: RE: Removing E2Give
Hi, Sorry to hear you are having trouble with it. The E2Give Software application was designed to be easily removed using Windows add/ remove function. If you are having trouble removing it with add/ remove, it usually means that it was deleted or removed by a manual deletion. Since Anti-Spyware and Anti Virus Software do not use the add/ remove function, use of these types of programs to remove E2Give, will only partially delete E2Give. It is also possible that the program was installed under another user login. If this is the case log in under the alternate user login and use add / remove as described below to remove the program.
To remove the e2give program:
Method A:
Please close all browser windows and go to the “Add or Remove Programs”
the Windows control panel and remove the ‘e2g plug-in’ or the “e2give plug-in”. (note: the program can only be removed via Add or Remove
Reboot the machine. Check add/ remove to verify E2give is no longer present.
Run you Antivirus/ spyware/ etc. to clean up any remaining e2give remnants in the registry.
That should do it.
Method B:
If it is not able to be removed from the add/remove programs section of Windows it has become damaged. This can occur sometimes when using either a Anti-Virus or Spyware/ Adware removal software tool to remove the E2Give Software and their method of removal damaged the E2Give Software rather than remove it. This can also occur if a manual deletion of the program only deleted parts of it. I know it might sound silly, but if this happens, the best way to remove it is to re-install it and then remove it again.
In order for the program to be installed, you MUST DISABLE ALL ANTI SPYWARE AND ANTVIRUS SOFTWARE. If you do not do this the program will not install over the broken version as the anti virus / anti spy ware software will block the installation. If you are not sure how to do this, Contact your software vendor for instructions on how to disable their software.
download and run the file from the following link
This should perform a new and complete installation of the E2Give Program, overwriting the damaged version. Once Installed, refer back to Method A shown above Remember to re-enable your anti virus / ant spyware software after removal and reboot.
Method C:
One other possibility is the program was downloaded from another user’s account. If that is the case, try logging on to each user account on the computer and remove it from there following the instructions in Method A shown above…
I hope this helps you. Please let me know how it goes.
Customer Service
-----Original Message-----
From: r seaney [mailto:rseaney@teamsigma.com]
Sent: Thursday, April 27, 2006 7:39 AM
To: support@e2give.com
Subject: Removing E2Give
Please provide me with COMPLETE instructions for removing your software from my computer. Every time I’ve tried to remove it, it returns within minutes.