I was comfortably settling into bed last night and watching the news on the TV at the foot, when a report came on concerning teachers who were debating as to whether or not they should teach Gay Education (GayEd) in their schools.

I almost fell out of bed from the surprise.

What is this crap? First I thought Gays wanted to be treated like everyone else, then came Gay Rights, Gay discrimination laws, Gay sexual harassment suits, Gay alliances, Gay Day, Gay parades, Gay suits against the Boy Scouts, and the other night, the TV station Bravo Network had on nothing but Gay movies!!

Gay Education? What, teachers need to instruct Gays on how to be Gay? We cannot even get good, uniform sex education in the schools, and now they want to teach Gays certain Gay things, like lifestyles and protection?

Get real!

I’m glad I’m not a teacher.

Since I was in school, teachers now have to contend with law enforced lax discipline, kids refusing to stand for or say the Pledge to the flag, no longer able to grab a kid, various religious rights, various religious holidays, specialty foods for various nationalities, Ebonics, racial discrimination, sexual discrimination, sexual harassment, the potential to be accused of molestation, being attacked by students, the rights of physically handicapped students, the rights of girls, boys, freedom of speech, ‘forced passing,’ having to know just what type of sex ed to teach, having to be careful of ‘discriminatory and racially biased’ books used in teaching, and, in some cases need to be bilingual and to know children’s rights and handle the differences in several cultures.

Now someone wants them to teach homosexuals how to be homosexual??

I did not know that was a required subject. I would have assumed that good sex ed would take care of that.

Anything else you folks out there want our underpaid, over worked, harassed, picked on and hog tied American teachers to teach? Lesbianism 101? Black Muslim 102? Nation of Islam 103? How to try to please everyone while pleasing no one #104? Stupidity 105? Aryan Nation 106? Christian Repression of Civil Rights 107?

No wonder other nations laugh at ‘stupid American kids’ who graduate school barely able to read a book but damn skilled at portable video games. Everyone has so many rights that teachers have to wade through them just to teach the ABC’s – and soon someone from somewhere else having moved here will file a suit claiming that being forced to learn American ABC’s is discriminatory and illegal.

Try speaking English in Cuban dominated Miami, Florida. You have to be bilingual in the schools.

Now, Gay Ed.

Now is a bad time to be an American Teacher.

Anything else we can pile on the schools and teachers so as not to offend anyone? How about Molestation Ed? Rape 101? Accurate ‘capping’ 101? Prison Life and how to Survive? How to do illegal drugs and survive?

Anything? Anybody?

Any perverts out there who want their lifestyle taught to perverts to be? How to cross dress and be in style? Beating and Bondage for Fun and Pleasure? Self mutilation; how to do it antiseptically? ‘Under the Glass Table 108’?

Whatever happened to regular education, guilt free, teachers in charge and cheap, good meals in the cafeteria without 2 dozen crap machines there for alternate meals, like Sprite and Doritoes with Microwave Ravioli 'n Sauce?

Whatever happened to common sense?


What are we debating here? “Gay education?” I’m going to need more information. Got a link to the story?

Or maybe we aren’t debating, and this is just a rant. In that case you posted in the wrong forum.

The OP was apparently referring to the current NEA convention’s approach to the issues facing gay, lesbian, bisexual, and transgendered youth.

According to the NEA, which is, of course, the National Education Association:

There was a resolution on the floor of their current convention to address these issues, but it was withdrawn, in favor of delegating a task force to examine the issues facing GLBT students.

So, now that you have a few facts, do you believe that there are no issues facing gay students? Do you think there are no problems facing students with non-mainstream sexual orientations that could be ameliorated by examining their problems and finding some solutions?

Or do you simply believe that these children deserve what they get?

Are you aware that, according to the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, “Report of the Secretary’s Task Force on Youth Suicide: Gay Male and Lesbian Youth Suicide.” (1989):

Obviously, there is an issue here affecting children that needs to be addressed. The NEA has appointed a task force to examine these problems, and come up with solutions.

Unless you can come up with some reference that states that the NEA is in the process of passing a resolution to teach methods of anal penetration in class, your post is based on a biased and frankly prejudiced interpretation of a news program. Examine the facts of the case, then come to your conclusions.

You know, taking out the stuff I bracketed (I have my doubts that the law is enforcing lax discipline, unless you think “a teacher is forbidden to hit a child for discipline” is neccesarily "lax discipline, attack of teachers by students is hardly condoned by school andminitration, and I’d need more information on this “forced passing” you speak of), it doesn’t really seem so horrible. Gaud forbid teachers have to deal with ::gasp:: freedom of speech! or the rights of physically handicapped students! or having to deal with differnt cultures! Oh no!

I really need more information on exactly what this “Gay Ed” constitutes. I am sure you can provide the relevent information in terms of lesson plans and teacher and student involvment, since surely you wouldn’t go flying off the handle and jumping to conclusions based on one news snippet heard while dozing.

I always wonder exactly what someone means when they say gay, lesbian, bisexual, and transgendered. Are they just sticking transgendered in there or are they actually going to do something with it. The main problem being they almost certainly don’t know what to do. The problems for transgendered students is generally much worse than gay students too:)

How is not being discriminated against not included in being treated like everyone else? Or not being subjected to sexual harrassment? Or holding parades? Or being allowed to be Boy Scout leaders? Or having movies dealing with your sexual orientation shown on Bravo?

I heard someone discuss this proposal as “going beyond” teaching the e R’s. You can’t go beyond what you haven’t reached.

Today, the average Black student is years behind in school. Many can barely read. Rather than solve this problem the NEA ignores it by, among other things, avoiding testing and by social promotion. Instead the NEA goes on to the newest, trendiest item and feels morally superior. Meanwhile, they allow millions of American students to remain illiterate.


Its GOTTA be better than Phys Ed.

[high school geek smartass]
I always thought “Gay Ed” consisted of joining the wrestling team. You’ve got something against wrestling?
[/high school geek smartass]

Count me among those who really isn’t sure what the OP is flailing in outrage against. The passage of the Good Old Days, I think.

If only for the uniforms! :smiley:

The good-ol-days, back when they taught advanced calculus.
Gimee gay-ed any time. No…I don’t mean a gay guy named Ed! :0

I’m assuming by “uniform sex education”, you mean “straight sex education”. And you’re right. We don’t have good straight sex education. But a big part of sex is deciding which gender turns your crank. In case you’ve never been to a public school in the last, um, ever, it’s not exactly a warm and welcoming environment for people who are different.

So even if you’re straight, wrapping your mind around the idea that sex means different things to everybody will be nothing but good for you. The more kids know about what’s out there, the better they’ll be able to choose what’s best for themselves, gay or straight.

Of course, the tone of your OP makes me think that you really are just offended by the idea of homosexuality being treated as anything other than a private, secret shame. Which is, of course, really stupid.

lord, you need to come to my high school.

it’s a nice, middle class, girl’s school, and students had to pass the 11+ entrance exam (putting you in the top 25% of the population IQ wise)to go there. and it’s in Belfast (hardly the world capital of tolerant behaviour).

yet, in my year of 120 girls we had 7 full-on lesbians and several bi-sexuals (several of whom are my close friends)and several couples in this group.

and did ANY of them get hassle? nope.

were the couples openly affectionate? yes, but only in the sixth form centre, where they had some privacy.

did the staff know? yes.

did they care? nope.

just as it should be.

lord, you need to come to my high school.

it’s a nice, middle class, girl’s school, and students had to pass the 11+ entrance exam (putting you in the top 25% of the population IQ wise)to go there. and it’s in Belfast (hardly the world capital of tolerant behaviour).

yet, in my year of 120 girls we had 7 full-on lesbians and several bi-sexuals (several of whom are my close friends)and several couples in this group.

and did ANY of them get hassle? nope.

were the couples openly affectionate? yes, but only in the sixth form centre, where they had some privacy.

did the staff know? yes.

did they care? nope.

just as it should be.

treating the OP with precisely as much respect as it deserves…

It’s about damn time. And they better use easy to follow instructions too, 'cause I, for one, am really tired of ending up in bed with so-called “straight” college boys who have a little too much to drink, decide they want to experiment a little and then have absolutely no idea what to do. C’mon boys, this isn’t rocket science… Maybe if they get exposed to full colour illustrations documenting the correct steps they wouldn’t be so BAD at it.

And I just checked with “my favourite lesbian” – she supports what I say (actually according to “mfl”, the need is apparently even more pronounced for co-eds [what a delightfully archaic term] in her estimation).

Boy you’re right. I watched C-SPAN in utter disbelief while the Senate debated the bill forcing Bravo to show only Gay movies that night. The bill as originally written would have required the same of CBS, NBC, and ABC, but thank God it was amended in committee. ESPN was also exempted during an arcane debate over the definition of “gay baseball”.

It’s wrong, wrong I tell you!!


I’m also glad you’re not a teacher.

Okay. So, reading the OP, apparently the way the world ought to be:
[li]gays should be treated the same as everybody else, but they shouldn’t have rights and they should be discriminated against. From this I infer that Neon Frying Pan is against the idea of rights in general. Also, there shouldn’t be any “gay movies” on TV. Again, based on the OP, this may be a call for a ban on movies in general.[/li]
[li]Kids should be forced to stand and say the Pledge of Allegiance. This fits in well with point one.[/li]
[li]Teachers should be able to grab kids. For exactly what purpose, I’m not sure.[/li]
[li]Religious rights are also bad.[/li]
[li]So is freedom of speech.[/li]
[li]Oddly enough, Neon Frying Pan does seem to support sex ed in general, at least in principle.[/li]
[li]Neon Frying Pan is also, apparently, an alien from outer space, or else a person from an alternate reality, because wherever NFP is from, they used to have “cheap, good meals” in school cafeterias there, which certainly doesn’t sound like Planet Earth to me.[/li][/ul]
I think I’d have to agree with both Neon Frying Pan and minty green–I’m glad NFP isn’t a teacher.

Feeling a little megalomaniac today, are we? I guess that moderator stuff really goes to y’all’s heads after a while.

Give me a break! Please don’t lump gay together with rape, molestation, and crapping.

You can’t teach someone to be gay, but you can teach gays and straights about gay issues – what it means to be gay, safer sex, etc. Sex education teaches about sex. Without sex education, people will still have sex. People will not become gay because they are taught gay education any more than European history will make kids European. There is a lot of misunderstanding about homosexuality especially in high schools and I think high school is a very good place to teach about such issues.

You got me there! I was wondering the same thing.