About two weeks ago i developed a cold, which lasted a few days.
Then the cold seemingly went to my ear, and my ear began draining.
Draining turned into a crusty deposit in the following days. In the past day my ear has now began secreting a mucus very similar to snot, and it smells terrible, much like rotten eggs.
No pain is, or ever was in my ear, and the “infection” went away very quickly.
One possible explanation is that you have a hole in your ear drum which is allowing the pus from an ongoing middle ear infection to drain out. Sometimes that alone allows it to resolve but it sure does not sound like such is your case.
Yes. Get your ear to your doctor. Ask if any particular ear drops might be effective. There are some (e.g. Floxin or Ciprodex) which are designed to treat middle ear infection through open holes (or tubes going through) tympanic membranes (ear drums). Maybe, maybe, you can avoid going on a by mouth med using one of those. Maybe not. See your doc.
Draining smelly stuff almost certainly equals infection, and if it’s really a byproduct of the cold and thus coming out of your middle ear, your eardrum must have a hole in it. Don’t get hung up on the lack of pain–I let a pus-draining infection go once because there wasn’t any pain and it took 2 different antibiotics and 3 weeks to clear up. Go to the doctor ASAP.