Ear wax/roaches crawl in

Roaches do crawl in. I know. Lidocaine stopped the roaches movement, killing it. I was almost 2 hours in hospital having it removed. Extremely hard to get out. Can they go further than the ear drum?

Why do we have wax in our ears? Do roaches ever crawl in there?

Joey Your link doesn’t seem to work.

Why do we have wax in our ears? Do roaches ever crawl in there? is the link to Cecil’s article.

And now that I have read the previous threads about cockroaches and ear wax, my question is;

Why do cockroaches go into your ears? For the wax? Is this some insect delicacy? Or is is just random? Cecil talked about many other insects in people’s ears. Where do people live that insects crawl into their ears? And does the wax “trap” them in your ear canal so that they can’t excape?

These questions are driving me “buggy.”