Earl Grey... Hot!

Orally, I hope.

(Though I have known some coffee enema faddists.)

Re: Picard, how do we know that he doesn’t occasionally run wild and gulp down some English Breakfast or even a spicy/fruity holiday blend? I drink tea, and although I usually drink English Breakfast, I play the field, baby! If Jean-Luc’s tastes are equally catholic, maybe it is necessary for him to specify his variety of tea every time.

Jean-Luc is French, isn’t he? Shouldn’t he be knocking back a cafe express or an Orangina or something instead?

I drink mine cold!

The only obviously French thing about him is his name. I always assumed he was descended from French pastry makers in Northern Ireland or something.

Starbucks uses Earl Grey for their black iced tea. It’s really good - it’s the only thing I ever order at a Starbucks.

Is this this accent complaint again?

Look, he was BORN and RAISED in Franch, but studied English in ENGLAND, from a really good tutor who managed to obliterate his French accent utterly, and also convinced him that Shakespeare was the history’s greatest poet. And who also took his virginity one rainy night in the Cotswolds.

I thought he learned Federation Basic from an Englishman.
What’s a Cotswold?

Which isn’t all that implausible. I met a French lady once who spoke with a perfect British English accent, for exactly that reason. After all, the Anglophones a French person is most likely to meet are those right across the channel. And while “history’s greatest poet” is, of course, subject to some debate, Shakespeare is certainly a strong contender, even for someone for whom English isn’t a first language. Though it would be nice to hear Picard quoting Victor Hugo occasionally, too.

Well, in that show where he returns to Earth to see his older brother at the family vineyard estate, they ain’t in the U.K. anywhere, as far as I know. And that’s not Earl Grey he’s drinking at home, either.

This was an issue during the series, but now that they’ve moved on to the movies, they just crash the ship in every other movie, and the insurance money buys new dishes.

Yeah, but his brother and nephew both have English accents too. I just figured that sometime before TNG, the UK decided, “Hey, that Hundred Years War wasn’t so bad after all”, and took France over. I don’t think there’s anything in canon that contradicts it, at least. :slight_smile:

Damn straight! Hey, he has his own yacht, doesn’t he? Then the replicator ought to know how he likes his tea.

Or at least reclaimed lost possessions. :wink:

I wasn’t kidding, 'cept about the losing-his-virginity-in-the-Cotswolds part. It was actually exchanging blowjobs in Tenerife.

[geek]Raktagino. I used to have the Neelix scratch n’ sniff recipe for it.[/geek]

And just to torment you all:

Only if one forgets to erase the pattern buffer…

As for O’Brien, a funnier punchline would be: “Up the butt, Bob”

Bottm line (to get back to the thread) is that it’s just stupid to require the “hot” portion. The computer knows enough not to serve up the thing a 212 degrees. You can put a man on Ceti Alpha Six, but you can’t program the computer to spit out hot tea without explicit instructions??


The proper quote has him saying “tea” first. Like this:
Tea. Earl Grey. Hot.

See how nice that sounds?

Raktajino, actually. [/geekier]