This weekend is the 18th Annual “World Championship” Punkin Chunkin competition in Sussex County Delaware. Last year’s record was 4,434 feet, set by a Delawarean team. However, I found a Wall Street Journal article that states that the World Record is held by an Illinois cannon (“The Aludium Q-36 Pumpkin Modulator”) – 4,491 feet! – and that record was set in Illinois back in 1998.
As a Delawarean, I’m willing to recognize non-competition firings as legitimate; however, a co-worker today scoffed at my plans to attend this weekend, saying that Ohio and Indiana have had contests like this “for years.” I can’t very well holler “CITE???” at him, so I’ll holler it here. The Delaware contest has been going on since 1986, so:
(10 pts.) Can you show me any record of prior art in the field of machine-assisted pumpkin tossing for distance? November of 1986 was the first recorded Delaware contest.
(BONUS - 100 pts.) Can you quantify the advantage a team gains from firing in Illinois’ rarefied air (720 ft) vice firing in Delaware (52 feet above sea level)?