Early twists in films (open spoilers)

Open Spoilers? Okay this one’s a whopper.

Once the murder occurs in In The Bedroom, I kind of figured, okay. What the hell. NOW where will this thing go?

Unexpected horrific right hand violent turn.


Doesn’t quite fit, but Romancing the Stone starts off as a Mills & Boon drama, before seguing dramatically into the real world. Quite a lot of films pull this trick - Who Framed Roger Rabbit for example - but it threw me the first time I saw RtS because I knew very little about the film in advance. Odd that such a popular mini-franchise should have had so little lasting impact. I guess Michael Douglas went on to play morally dubious people, and people forget that he was once a heroic leading man. Meanwhile, Kathleen Turner decided to find out if it was possible to eat lots of pies without gaining weight (answer: it wasn’t).

Yeah, and that escape pod… there were droids in it all along!

It’s a twist because you think it’s gonna be a bad movie, but then you change your mind because, hey, boobs! And then you watch and realize that it sucked all along.

Not only that, but Airplane! is suspiciously similar to Zero Hour!! :eek: I am outraged!

Also, Ralph Fiennes shows up and promptly gets killed, although I don’t remember how far in. The middle perhaps? I think yours is more shocking, though.

Yup. It’s considerably less of a shock in the original short story, which it titled “Killings,” which also happens to hint at the “now where will this thing go” aspect. Love that movie.

Do you mean the original D.O.A. or the remake? The original is a great film.

Semi-seriously, and based on Maserschmidt giving the title as “DOA: Dead Or Alive” and not “D.O.A.,” it’s a reference to this travesty. I am not sure which movie was meant, although it looks like in that one has a guy you think dies but then is alive.