Early winter in DC?(!)

It’s been snowing here in northern Calvert County for the past 2+ hours. Big, fluffy flakes. It’s not sticking to the roads yet, but it’s sticking to everything else.

An excellent day for teleworking. :slight_smile:

I’m sure it’ll turn into a ‘wintry mix’ later, but right now, the view out my window is a pleasure. Very peaceful.

Moderate snow, with big fluffy flakes, sticking on vegetation, cars, and dirt, but not sidewalks, right outside my office in SE DC. Just a half-inch or so, if that, of accumulation. I can’t recall ever seeing snow this early.

Coming down pretty good. Had no problems driving in to the office, in fact the traffic was at least a third of normal, if not less. It was a delightful commute for once!

Working from home today, and having no intention of going out. I’m watching the snow fall; it sounded wet and sleety earlier, but looks all light and fluffy now. There’s at least a 1/4 inch on my fencetop and the roofs of the houses across the way.

I had no choice about coming in. It was sleeting very lightly in MoCo when I left, and then I emerged from the Metro in downtown to lovely, fluffy flakes. It snowed for about two hours before the changeover to sleet. Never expected to see the accumulation we got this morning. Some of the suburbs were reporting as much as an inch and a half before the changeover.

I’m a happy man. May this be the perfect intro to a long and lovely winter of snow. :slight_smile:

You’ve been stricken by some sort of snow-illness.

How anyone in their right mine can go outside and say “Yay! I get to clean snow off my car and drive slowly to work hoping that no one slips on the snow and crashes into me!” is beyond me.

I drove to work (St. Mary’s county) in a rain/snow/sleet mix, but by the time I got to the office at 6:15, it was just rain. I had to go out for a Dr appt, and it’s raining, cold, and miserable out there. But the roads are just wet, not slick, so there’s that.

Here I am, less than a month from moving to Florida, and the DMV has to get in one last FUCK YOU.

I’m not gonna miss THIS shit, at all.

Downtown DC, right in the heart of the swamp. We have about 1/4 inch of tiny round ice balls that came down as hail or sleet, mixed in a slush with water. Traction is about what you’d expect for walking on thousands of tiny wet balls of ice.

Several government employees have chosen to stay home entirely. DC is like that – I’ve seen a light rain shut down the beltway (one day there were EIGHTEEN accidents in play AT THE SAME TIME around the beltway during a mild rain).

Hell, last March we had a “wind day,” remember that?

Frankly, the way people drive around the beltway, even on nice days, I’m surprised there aren’t more accidents…

For some values of “drive” including “complete stop” and “could have walked there faster”.

Yeah, that was ridiculous. I had to burn a day of PTO because of friggin’ wind :frowning:

I just went out to shovel the walk. We’ve moved from fluffy and pretty to heavy and slushy.

My sister lives in Harford County - north of Baltimore - and she just posted some pics - they’ve got about 3-4" on the ground there.

Local news showed snow on The White House just now.

We don’t have any out here! :mad:

The public schools in Montgomery County may have set some kind of record for the latest-ever closing decision this morning. They posted a 2-hour delay at 4:50 am, reconfirmed it at 7am, and then sent an “Urgent Update” at 8:39 that they had changed their minds and decided to close. Some buses had already started picking up the earliest high school routes and had to turn around and take the kids back home. But I think they made a good call–it’s been awful outside all day. This one definitely overperformed the forecast.

I can - hell, more than a month earlier. :slight_smile:

It was the morning of the first game of the 1979 World Series, which I had tickets to. October 10, 1979. We had more snow that morning than we did today. (I was living in the Belle View apartments just south of Alexandria then, and commuting into DC - driving to the old Pentagon City gravel parking lot, then Metro from there.) But it was all gone well before game time. O’s won. :slight_smile:

The apparent trade-off for getting my wish regarding the snow was that I got stuck at work extremely late. But I got some great pictures from the office when it was really coming down in the morning—totally worth it!

Hope everyone managed to stay safe with the treacherous road conditions yesterday.

So…when can we do it again???

Flakes at the White House is not news.

I, smartly, worked from home yesterday. When I did go out, on my snowshoes, it was absolute gridlock. Not a single vehicle moved thru the intersection in three traffic light cycles. I thought about going back for my camera & tripod to get some interesting & unique night traffic photos (I do a lot of night photography) but I didn’t so my answer is, “Soon, please”