Earth: Final Conflict

Anybody else watch this show? Anybody else have the inside scoop on why they changed to the Atavus? And, as I missed the last episode of the last season… anybody want to clue me in on what the frell is going on?!?!?


OK, I just caught up a little on the E:FC website, but I still wish I’d seen the episode (although I remember it vaguely from last season).

I’m assuming it’s either (a) part of a story arc (although it was my understanding they were doing away with the arc and going back to an episodic format), or (b) too many actors wanted out of the series (Liam, Zo’or, Da’an, obviously). I mean, anyone else find it odd that the only original series actor remaining is Sandoval?

And what’s the vote - Taelons, Jaridians, Humans or Atavus? :slight_smile:
