Easy MS Excel Question

I’m trying to make a formula go throughout an entire column as opposed to typing in formulas in each square. Basicly I want to make column C equal the sum of columns D and E without having to type in =SUM(D5:E5) in C5, =SUM(D6:E6) in C6, etc. How do I do that?

Enter your formula as you stated in cell C5. Then copy the cell and paste in cells C6 through C-whatever. The formula will automatically adjust references to the desired rows or columns.

Well, what I would do is:

  1. Type the formula in for the first instance you want to use it.
  2. Click on that element.
  3. Look at the square. It should have a solid border around it with a small solid box in the lower right-hand corner.
  4. Click on that box in the lower right and drag it as far down the column as you need.

If I have just insulted your intelligence because you were looking for a simpler way, I apologize.

Duh! :smack: I tried everything, but that. Thank guys.

A little short cut to akennett’s suggestion if the column of formulas is next to a column of data: Rather than dragging the fill handle down, you can double-click on it. It will automatically fill down to the bottom at the same row of the adjacent column.

Another way is to use the Edit --> Fill menu. There seems to be about a dozen ways to do any one thing in Excel.

Thanks for those hints PoorYorick…that is, indeed, a handy trick for the 1000-plus entry long charts I sometimes have to make.