Eat my poo Gamestop

Yeah, I’ve pitted Gamestop before, but they’re such perpetual diarrhea dicks that they deserve another round.

First of all, stop fucking asking me if I want to trade something when I walk in the door. If I’m that desperate for $4 I’ll let you know. Otherwise, SHUT UP. It’s not like I wander the streets carrying a sack full of games I don’t want. Oh shit, you take trades? I was going to set these on fire, but now that you mention it sign me up! If someone wants to trade they’ll let you know. Go back to pushing pre-played PS1s on 10 year olds and let me browse in peace.

You know what, I’m second thought please just stop that trading shit altogether. Every time I want to buy something I get stuck behind some inside-out ass sniffer that wants to trade in his entire library of 5 year old sports titles, and I have to sit there for literally 20 minutes while the clerk tries to explain the process of deducting $1.99 from Fifa World Cup '07 for Fifa World Cup '05.

Secondly, stop making up stupid fucking arbitrary rules for pre-buying games. A couple months ago I tried to put money down for Super Mario Galaxy. Their response? Sorry, we can’t let you do that until we know what the release date is. Really? I used to put money down on shit that was a year away from release date at EB back before you snail masturbators bought them out. Another example: I tried to put money down for Runaway 2, a cool indie adventure game that was a week away from ship date. Their response? Sorry, we can’t let you put money down on a game we’ve never heard of. IT’S ON THEIR FUCKING WEBSITE. Oy vey. Last example: I just called them up asking if they had a game in stock. Yes they do, but they only have a few left. I ask them to hold one for 20 minutes. Their response? Sorry, we can’t do that for a game that just came out. I DID THE SAME GODDAMN THING LAST WEEK. Stop making up stupid fucking rules on the fly you fucking zit covered scrotum lickers.

And fuckwits.

'k I’m done.

Oh, I almost forgot. I was at a newly opening Gamestop some time ago and I asked where their PC game section was. The kid said “Oh, we don’t have one yet. We’re trying to phase out PC games.” You mean the platform that has The Sims and World of Warcraft, the best selling games of all time? Kinda makes you dizzy.

NOW I’m done.

Bad service and clueless drones at GameStop? Really? Next thing you’ll tell me that airline food sucks. :stuck_out_tongue:

Penny Arcade had a pretty good blurb a few months back about the GameStop. I can’t find it, but the gist was that the trade-in business was their life blood, even more so than new games, so don’t expect to not be asked about that anytime soon.

This 'un?

I don’t much care for GameStop the company, but the kids who work at the one near me are unfailingly helpful and polite without being condescending to this non-gamer female.

No, though that touches on it as well. I’m thinking about the one with the grocery store run like a GameStop.

Ah, this one, then.

You buy games at stores?

Software? Electronics? Computers? I thought the internet had made everything but grocery stores obsolete. If it’s on their website, why didn’t you get it off the website?

Instant gratification.

That rant put the it in vitriol! Well done. Gamestop has screwed with me as well in the past.

Gamestop: trade in your old crap and get new shit. hehe.

There are an awful lot of brick-and-mortar stores that are going to be delighted to hear that they can quit paying rent.

no they’re obsolete too

And they don’t accept trade-ins for PC. Can’t encourage piracy, you know.

See, even considering how Luddite I can be, I just don’t get that. I want to prod the tomatoes and eyeball the pork chops. And look at the food, too.

The solution’s pretty simple. Stop going to Gamestop. Unless, of course, you’re like me and just like to go in when there’s one in a mall for the sake of messing with the employees (if that’s what you could fucking call them). I don’t know that any instant gratification is worth that kind of headache, unless you’re a masochist.

I went in to a Gamestop on a whim a few months back to ask questions about a game that had just come out. I’m pretty sure it was Supreme Commander, as it was just being released. The uh, portly attendent behind the counter told me that because it was such a “small title”, it would be a limited release and as such, they would only get one or two of them. Unable to contain my bemusement, I laughed and accusedly asked what made it a limited release. He said it wasn’t from a big developer (translation: it wasn’t made by EA or Activision) and it was only for the PC (translation: computer games don’t make us any money because we can’t buy it back later on). After asking why one of the most highly anticipated strategy titles of the year was considered a limited release, he essentially shrugged his shoulders and told me it’s not a “big release”. This actually seems to be the case with a good majority of highly-anticipated PC titles not released by a publisher that predominantly specializes normally in console games (i.e. EA or Activision).

So, I talked with him for a few more moments about the game and how long it’s been in development, just to get the guy all worked up thinking I was going to “pre-order”, since, being a “limited release”, they didn’t “have one”. I told him it was alright and said not to worry about it, and began walking backwards as I thanked him for his time. He got this pathetic puppy dog look in his eye like he’d just lost the sale, and started begging about how if I only put five bucks down, he’d have one in a day or two! I said “Really? I can go pretty much anywhere else and get it right now.” He gave me a look like I was mentally handicapped as I walked out the door, sans pre-order. Yeah, that’s right, he seemed to think that I was the idiot in the situation.

I also did this once with a game controller. Went in and asked a bunch of questions just to see if they knew what they were talking about. Took two of them to answer them all, too. They didn’t even answer them accurately. I talked for about five minutes going back and forth weighing different options, making them think they had a hot sale on their hands. Then I said “You know, I saw this one at the Best Buy down the street for five bucks less. I’ll keep looking there, thanks for your help.” I had to walk away backwards telling them I’d keep searching as they pleaded with me to buy it because Gamestop had a great 30-day return guarantee (translation: in 30 days, I won’t be here, and the oily troll that replaces me won’t know anything about a 30-day guarantee).

I don’t think I’ve bought anything at a Gamestop, ever, yet I still seem to go into them at least every few months and I inevitably end up leaving empty-handed … well, unless fucking with the trolls counts as something.

Hence my saying they’re not yet obsolete :wink:

I’d love to, really. Unfortunately I don’t have a choice. All I have near me are EBs and Gamestops. I used to go to EB but Gamespot bought them. Now EB is essentially Gamestop with a better PC game selection. If I want a game on release date (instant gratification) the only option for me is Gamestop.

Why, when I was a lad (8-10 years ago) EB used to take PC games back within 10 days no questions asked. Didn’t like the game? You got your money back. Oh those were the days. I loved not being automatically treated like a sheep or a common criminal. That was back when when video games were still a hobby and not an eSport for kool kidz.

I wonder why the newer consoles with built in multiplayer compatibility don’t utililize unique “keys” like PC games require. I hope they do soon. Anything to stop Gamestop’s aggressive trade in policy would make me happy.

Double post, oops!