Yeah, I’ve pitted Gamestop before, but they’re such perpetual diarrhea dicks that they deserve another round.
First of all, stop fucking asking me if I want to trade something when I walk in the door. If I’m that desperate for $4 I’ll let you know. Otherwise, SHUT UP. It’s not like I wander the streets carrying a sack full of games I don’t want. Oh shit, you take trades? I was going to set these on fire, but now that you mention it sign me up! If someone wants to trade they’ll let you know. Go back to pushing pre-played PS1s on 10 year olds and let me browse in peace.
You know what, I’m second thought please just stop that trading shit altogether. Every time I want to buy something I get stuck behind some inside-out ass sniffer that wants to trade in his entire library of 5 year old sports titles, and I have to sit there for literally 20 minutes while the clerk tries to explain the process of deducting $1.99 from Fifa World Cup '07 for Fifa World Cup '05.
Secondly, stop making up stupid fucking arbitrary rules for pre-buying games. A couple months ago I tried to put money down for Super Mario Galaxy. Their response? Sorry, we can’t let you do that until we know what the release date is. Really? I used to put money down on shit that was a year away from release date at EB back before you snail masturbators bought them out. Another example: I tried to put money down for Runaway 2, a cool indie adventure game that was a week away from ship date. Their response? Sorry, we can’t let you put money down on a game we’ve never heard of. IT’S ON THEIR FUCKING WEBSITE. Oy vey. Last example: I just called them up asking if they had a game in stock. Yes they do, but they only have a few left. I ask them to hold one for 20 minutes. Their response? Sorry, we can’t do that for a game that just came out. I DID THE SAME GODDAMN THING LAST WEEK. Stop making up stupid fucking rules on the fly you fucking zit covered scrotum lickers.
And fuckwits.
'k I’m done.