Eat shit Old Navy

I gave my mother a father’s day card once, so this probably all my fault.

Yes, 5th row down, 2nd from the left.

I see it there too, although that is a cache of the Canadian Old Navy site. I point this out because this shirt makes no sense to me, so I’m wondering if it’s less puzzling to Canadians. I’ll admit this doesn’t seem very likely, but I’m stumped as to what Old Navy’s designers even thought this shirt was supposed to mean. If it was intended to be a tribute to mothers then it doesn’t do so effectively, and if it was intended to be humorous then I’m not getting the joke.

On the Canadian site, there’s a Father’s Day shirt that says “Sorry I knocked you up, hon”…

If the OP is any guide, so are the people who shop there.

I don’t think i have ever heard a single person make such a suggestion. If the people you know say stuff like this, you should seek out better people.

It also splits the word as “Fat Her’s”…

Really? I agree you should find better friends but it seems pretty common that if you suggest a single mom is less than a couple, you’re a misogynist scumbag.

So yeah, you assume it’s about the wife.

If you instead assume it’s about the daughter, the shirt is actually super touching.

They sold a shirt that caters to the market it dedicates 75% of their floor space to? The bastards.

Ideal gift for Caitlyn Jenner though.

And yet…

Yep. My reaction to seeing such a shirt would be “Huh? What? Why? Who? How? What does that even mean?”

The OP’s “Story” link includes the following:

with a screenshot saying “We are currently experiencing technical difficulties.”

It did occur to me that if this shirt was targeted at the proud papas of little girls then it would some kind of sense and be pretty sweet, but just seeing the shirt on its own I wouldn’t get that this was the intent. (If it was.)

Really what this reminds me of is those Japanese t-shirt that have inexplicable English phrases on them.

Just to add a data point, I interpret the shirt only in the proud daddy/young daughter way and had trouble getting my head around any other interpretation. Enjoy the imaginary tea party with the stuffed animals and the trip to the zoo, dad, 'cause it’s all for you on your special day!

The context of the column in the OP is that it’s a wife/mother thing but I could see the other perception. None of the other “humor” t-shirts seem to be going for sentimental so I’m inclined to think it was more of a swing & miss at humor than “Awwww…” but there’s a limit as to how long I’ll spend psychoanalyzing Old Navy shirts and I’ve reached it.

As a daughter who cherished her father and took father’s day quite seriously, I am offended at any sentiment that hints that fathers are nonessential. But what I get from this stupid shirt is more a silly play on the old “henpecked husband” trope. As if it’s saying " the ol’ battleax even co-opted my day!" It’s a fail, whatever it’s true intent is.

If that is what it is supposed to mean then where is the, “IT’S FATHIS’S DAY” shirt?

First they point out the day should not actually be about the father but be about the daughter AND they make a point to say, by not having above said shirt, that it is also not about the son. Once again Feminist society is trying to push their agenda that only females matter and males are stupid and dumb and pointless.

Good job America. Are you proud of yourself?

Father’s Day and Mother’s Day are modern inventions. The old liturgical feast day of Mothering Sunday had nothing to do with mothers but was simply a day on which people visited their ‘mother’ churches.

St Valentine’s Day is a genuine feast day in the tradition of the Western Church and goes way back, celebrating the early martyr Bishop Valentinus. By the 14th century it had become associated with love.

As with so many things, the devil is in the details.

I think most people would agree that, all other things being equal, two loving and caring parents are probably better than one. The problem, in my experience, is that many people who “suggest a single mom is less than a couple” do so in ways that suggest being a single mom, in and of itself, is some sort of moral or ethical failing, and that it is inevitably doomed to result in bad children.

Also, the person i was responding to wasn’t simply talking about the idea that “a single mom is less than a couple”; he suggested that some people believe that “fathers don’t offer anything of significance to the raising of their children.” As i said, i’ve never heard a single person say such a thing.

All their clothes are ugly. I’ll never understand why anyone shops there.