Economic School of Thought Quiz

I came out "Moderate Keynesian

23 Keynesian, 15 Chicago, 8 Austrian
You have some knowledge of economics, but believe the freemarket is unstable and/or unfair. You would make a good economics bureaucrat in a stagnating social democracy somewhere. You aren’t hostile to freedom, though, and likely just want to make sure the right, just, decisions are made."

Which is just bullshit. There weren’t enough questions, or enough options to get to my Collectivist core, clearly. Because I am hostile to (Keynesian-style) economic freedom.

Economics Student (46 Keynesian, 38 Chicago, 15 Austrian) but frankly the whole thing was irritating. The use of exclamation marks in some of the responses suggested a less-than-objective approach to the test formulation, and when I hit the Great Depression question I gave up any hope of a useful result.

I’m probably a bit more Keynesian than the result reflects but in more than a few questions I didn’t agree with any of the responses and went for the least worst option.

I got “Balanced Freedom” as well, but my numbers were quite different:

23 Keynesian, 31 Chicago, 46 Austrian

It looks like there’s a whole lot of ‘middle ground’ in this quiz.

Balanced Freedom here too.

Economics Student as well.

Apparently being practical and evaluating each situation individually is a bad thing.

I think they kept the test to serious schools of economic theory.

Marxism in the Young Earthism of economics.