Ed Zotti Wants to be My Friend on LinkedIn?

So I should just ignore that email about Ed wanting to transfer US$30million from Burkina Faso and needing my bank details?

It is much more sneaky than Facebook in that the UI is expressly designed to “trick” users into allowing LinkedIn to extract and spam their entire contact list.

The step that actually requests permission does not look like it is anything like what it actually does, it seems very innocuous.

Ed Zotti didn’t have the time to save my life in Nam. He saved Chuck Norris’s life and contracted out the job of saving everyone else’s life, including mine, to Norris.

That’s true! It looks like a login screen- I’ve been almost tricked by it while working on autopilot and not rally paying attention, before realizing I was already logged on.

Very sneaky, master is.

Ed Zotti shot a man in Reno, just to watch him die.

That’s almost as creepy as the time Giraffe asked to be my Valentine.

Yeah,but at least Giraffe meant it.


No, “Be my Valentine” is not the same as 'Want some candy …" How many times do I have to tell you these things?

:smiley: I kid, I kid. But … stranger danger, y’know.

You mean he invited all you guys? Bah! I thought I was special!

Wait, I thought “Ed Zotti” was just the* nom de rédacteur *of Cecil Adams?

You telling me that’s a real person?

There are real people on LinkedIn?

I don’t always accept LinkedIn invitations.

But when I do, I prefer they be from Ed Zotti.

You didn’t want to, that’s fine, but the least you could have done was help me get that couch all the way into my van. I was clearly struggling, what with my arm being in that cast and all. :frowning:

So Ed’s polishing up the ol’ resume, huh? I don’t know why he’d ever want to leave the Reader, that Star of Siam thai restaurant downstairs is fantastic.

I was just reminded that Ed and I did in fact exchange two emails – on August 9, 2007. He declined an … offer … I made, and I have been bereft and alone since. I must have blocked it out of my mind. Still, I never added him to my contact list, and while I’m flattered that he added me, he has inadvertently released the dogs of LinkdIn upon me.

I kissed him.

On the mouth.


I was totally convinced for a good 10 minutes that Ed sent me a Linked In thing because he’s so impressed with my fabulous writing, editing, and moderating skills.

Damn. I was all impressed with myself.

I got one too.

I’m used to getting LinkedIn invites from people I know or that I’ve emailed, and I just ignore them. What I don’t get is the ones that come from people I’ve never ever heard of.

Could this be an Ed Zotti computer virus? Ed Zotti malware? Did he let it slip there is a secret Zotti organization?

Now I’m hurt. I didn’t get one. :frowning: