Ed Zotti Wants to be My Friend on LinkedIn?



Can I have your autograph?

Jeez, at least he could have used his signature.

I didn’t get the request :confused: Is this some kind of a members only thing? Is that why you guys pay?

Yes, we pay Ed to be our friend.

We’re all Cecil’s sockpuppet, even if we don’t know it.

I’m not the only one who sent Ed an invite just to be part of this clique, right?

This made me laugh out loud. Thank you. :smiley:

This is true.

If only…

Put me on the list of members who did not get an invite from the “Gormless Wienie.”
I suppose I will … sniff, sniff… not be getting a card at Christmas either.

So, is there any particular reason this thread got Threadspotted twice in a row?

Ed needs a job?

A better job, anyway. Would you want to have Cecil for a boss?

Ed flubs on his LinkedIn account, then Cecil posts for the first time in three years solely to give him the smackdown. Guy can’t catch a break!

Somebody hit the wrong button.

Zotti once got out of checkmate.

Even his accidents are are carefully coordinated.

Me to! :frowning:

First Ed put it in for Threadspotting, then so did the guy sending out the LinkedIn invites on his behalf.

This morning I got an email “reminding” me of my Ed Zotti LinkdIn invitation.


Does the delete function in your email system not work? Or just mark it as junk.

So my saying the name of the Perfect Master makes him appear? OMFG! I promise to only use my powers for good, not evil. hehhehheh