Education, Middle-class identification, and those who claimno religion in Politics. This might sur

Its at least more current than “The GOP : The party that freed the slaves!”

Pish tosh, old boy, no apologies necessary. Not posting every day is the only way you actually live up to your screen name.

Koch brothers polling reveals conservative positions.

(Ranked by “Very Effective Solution.”) 	Very Effective Solution 	Somewhat Effective Solution 	Not a Solution at All 	Don’t Know
Preparing ex-offenders to re-enter society as law-abiding and
productive citizens 	39% 	45% 	8% 	8%
Ending the cronyism that leads to corporate welfare 	37% 	35% 	10% 	18%
Ending harsh sentences for nonviolent, petty crimes 	37% 	40% 	15% 	8%
Government-paid college tuition 	35% 	31% 	26% 	8%
A $15 minimum wage 	35% 	30% 	28% 	6%
Freer trade and the open exchange of goods and services 	34% 	44% 	9% 	13%
More regulation of Wall Street 	33% 	36% 	15% 	15%
Increasing government assistance for child care 	30% 	39% 	21% 	9%

We know these are conservative positions because the ones ranked even higher are definitely conservative (although the questions are heavily biased in their wording to make them so). What’s fascinating is how little the “Not a Solution at All” share goes up when these distinctly liberal positions are included.

BTW, I couldn’t find any mention of this on Gateway Pundit. Someone will need to tell Silver Living about this.

That works better if you formatted it in something like Notepad first.

(Ranked by “Very Effective Solution.”) 						Very Effective Solution 	Somewhat Effective Solution 	Not a Solution at All 	Don’t Know
Preparing ex-offenders to re-enter society as law-abiding and productive citizens 	39% 					45% 			8%	       	8%
Ending the cronyism that leads to corporate welfare				 	37%				 	35%	 		10% 		18%
Ending harsh sentences for nonviolent, petty crimes 					37% 					40%		 	15%	 	8%
Government-paid college tuition 							35% 					31%	 		26% 		8%
A $15 minimum wage 									35% 					30%		 	28% 		6%
Freer trade and the open exchange of goods and services 				34%			 		44%		 	9%	 	13%
More regulation of Wall Street 								33% 					36% 			15% 		15%
Increasing government assistance for child care 					30% 					39% 			21% 		9%

I can’t understand why you are all having so much difficulty with Silver lining’s post.

Using some very old data, he proves that Trump won the popular vote because Democrats education class religion

Thank you. :smack::confused::eek:

It’s all so sur.

I refuse on principle to put more effort into my posts in these threads than Silver lining does.

Well, just read this and you’ll get it.

Yet Democratic turnout for House primaries was up last month. Surely some of those voters are middle-class.

That’s nice. Since you never bothered to tell us in your OP what significance your claims have for the 2018 elections or anything else, what are we supposed to “get” from this other set of facts that everybody also already knows?

Don’t spoil the sur!

Big Sur. Bigly. Yuge. Even bolshoi.

I think the sur is those who claimno religion.

Is there any reason for this thread? No one seems to be debating properly.

Or at all, really.

Sometimes a purpose can solely to serve as a warning to others.

I’m waiting for the OP’s next thread, which I imagine might prise me.

Ok that was funny! :smiley:

But isn’t that the perfect paradigm of post-rational American politics?

It doesn’t help when a “moderator” uses the grammar of a Russian bot. :smiley:

I was in Big Sur just last week. Cool spot. Very Big. Very Sur. Muy grande y muy sur.