Education, Middle-class identification, and those who claimno religion in Politics. This might sur

Word salad. Try again.

There really aren’t that many real socialists in America. Which is a shame, because it would move the overton window to the left.

Many young people support social democracy (capitalism with progressive taxes, regulations and a social safety net). There are very few genuine socialists or communists here.

A big part of that is that they’ve seen the excesses of capitalism first hand and want some regulation and responsibility in the system.

No, it is not. Does that really matter? My guess is you are smart enough to figure out what I am saying.

The majority of those who identify themselves as middle-class are voting Republican. Two more links on the topic, Democrats are losing their middle-class support:

You’re still here? :confused:

You didn’t see post #57, etc. ?? :confused: :confused:

Some of us are not completely sure that you are posting completely in good faith.

Eat your word salad, it has electrolytes!

“We report the truth - And leave the Russia-Collusion fairy tale to the Conspiracy media”

The Gateway Pundit. Well, definitely a step up from the Washington Examiner. Sorta kinda.

There is essentially no difference in voting behavior by economic status. Except among those earning less than 50k (I assume in household income, not personal). They lean democratic

For the 50-99k bracket, the GOP wins but only by 3 points. 49 to 46. They win 100-199k by 1 point, 48-47.

Those are pretty narrow margins. And the democrats win 200-249k bracket, and the 250k+ bracket is evenly split.

Basically the democrats win the poor, and every other economic bracket is tied.

And again, a lot of this is probably tied to race on some level. Whites w/o a college diploma earn less than those with a college diploma. A dual income college graduate household is going to be more likely to be in the 100k+ household income bracket than a high school educated white couple.

That’s not exactly to your advantage, is it?

English isn’t your first language? What is, then?

The Gateway Pundit?
Didn’t they “report” that Trump donated his entire salary to repair national cemeteries? :rolleyes:

A 2007 article on the 2004 election?!

For anyone wanting to survey Americans, go with actual income numbers, like the Pew survey did. I don’t have a link to the studies, but it’s been established that nearly everyone in America describes themselves as middle class. That’s not just low income working people being optimistic, that’s also folks with $350k plus personal incomes refusing to call themselves upper class because, hey, they worked for that. Upper-middle class is the most that most Americans will admit to.

If the survey doesn’t ask for actual numbers, it can’t make any claims about the middle class.

For that matter, how do they know that they are telling the truth?

LMAO! Oh man, you’re too funny.

Serious question, you’re so often factually wrong, is there ever a point that your brain says “Hey self, I’m factually wrong an awful lot. Maybe I should consider acquiring facts from different sources?”

And honestly, I’m not even really thinking about this thread in particular, but the chess AI thread. You seem awfully resistant to self-analysis of the correctness of your facts. Why is that? Is there a part of you that questions yourself from time-to-time, or are you absolutely 100% convinced of your correctness?

“Dim” Jim Hofft’s blog. AKA “The Stupidest Man On The Internet”, which is sayin’ somethin’…

Serious question, Silver lining: Where do you find websites like this? I don’t think this one appears in any Google News display. Does the URL flash on the screen when you’re watching Sean Hannity or Alex Jones? Does Google Search find it when your query is “Tell me that the lies I hear are really true”?

Some of us are not completely certain that your posts are completely ingenuous, or even completely free from error. We’re discussing this in another thread.

Silver, one of the main criticisms of you OP is that you used old data. In repsonse you posted new links which are dated December 2015 and October 2007. I therefor must conclude that whatever effect you are trying to point out, isn’t relevant to the 2016 election and beyond.

It’s a relief that all those uneducated white males will never fall for the schtick of those coastal elites that live in their Ivory towers and have gold gilt toilets and trophy wives!