Eenerms is pitted

I don’t know if you’ve noticed @eenerms propensity to drop the latest ONAN talking points, that he doesn’t even understand, into threads drive by style, but that’s not what this is about.

He really, really wants there to be a thread about Eric Swalwell.

Rep. Eric. Swalwell and the CCP Spies

Entire OP: “Rep. Swalwell political circle was infuriated by A CCP operative, The FBI reported at least two incidences.”

“Infuriated,” huh? Thread closed for lack of substance.

An hour later…

Swalwell ccp

This one was just a link. Closed

Three minutes later…

Eric Swalwell and CCP spy

Same link plus, “Now here you go.” Closed.

A week later…

Swalwel and the CCP who loved me


@eenerms has some thoughts on Eric Swalwell… presumably… we may never know.

He definitely has some obsession going about Eric Swalwell there.

Does anyone know the reason for the warning being rescinded?

I’m pretty sure I’ve read an eenerms post suggesting that the poster is a woman. Might be better to use “they” until the situation clarifies.

Presumably this “look - a Democrat was in some way associated with foreign spies!” narrative is the right-wing attempt to deflect from the “look - the US department with all the critical nuclear information has basically been hacked, likely by the same people the Republicans have been working closely with for the past several years!” news.

It’s the same reason we hear about Joe Biden’s “nepotism” and “connections to China” and “handsiness problem” in order to deflect from Trump’s use of his position to expand family businesses, including in China, and the two dozen women accusing him of sexual assault. Every accusation is a confession, when it comes to today’s GOP.

Also, this by robby in the third thread pretty much answers everything there is to say about the story:

The reason for the “crickets” is not that anyone is “okay” with spying; it’s that Swalwell did nothing wrong at any point, the spy was caught, and nobody tried to excuse or cover up anything.

I know Republicans love their investigations into Democrats (although funnily enough investigations into Republicans that turn up substantial evidence of multiple felonies always seem to be categorized as “a waste of taxpayer money”) but even by their usual weak standards there’s nothing more to investigate here.

That’s an important point that I didn’t bring up up in the OP. There isn’t even a hint that Swalwell did anything wrong.

Here we go again.

And closed, with a warning for the OP.

Yeah, and it looks like again he posted a link without reading the link.

Not only was it not the Big Exposé s/he thought it was, it pretty much undercut the Trumpublican talking points.

eta: Dudes, did I just make up a word just now?
Naah, I’m sure someone’s used Trumpublican before… so no way I’m going to end up getting half a cent every time the media use it…


The word I’ve seen is just Trumplican, which is what I use. Sorry.

Not only has it been used before, but Trump tried to trademark it back in 2015.

Wow, that Examiner article:

So Democrats worked to prevent voter suppression, block misinformation and keep a democratic election from being illegally overturned. It’s a conspiracy!

And eenerms thought this was proof that the Democrats were bad?

I count five posts on this non-issue that have been closed, at least one with a warning.

I predict the next post from eenerms will be:

Eenerms is like a dumber version of D’Anconia. Drops one-line turds into threads that are even less relevant.

Cue the inevitable suspension. That will make what-3 pointless suspensions in the past week or so? When everyone knows that when these brands of trolls get the all-clear that they’ll instantly just go back to their schtick, and get banned for good.

Apparently the new strategy is to say “The Democrats said there was no conspiracy!” and then describe something that isn’t a conspiracy and convince a lot of dimwits who are easily confused.

Well, wouldn’t part of being “a fucking idiot” naturally include being “a slow learner”? Just sayin’ … :smiling_imp:

It’s been discussed elsewhere, but IMO Time was incredibly reckless with their headline choice. In 2021, you can count on 95% of people reading no further than that, and this is exactly the wrong thing the nation needs right now.

It takes him/her an hour and a half to watch “60 Minutes.”