Effective, massive, unprecedented civil disobedience in protest of SC re Roe?

While I share the frustration of all the people turning out to demonstrate against SCOTUS, the only effect that has on the white-supremacist minority is to please them and amuse them. What would be the most effective form of civil disobedience that might have some effect?

I’m asking you to think outside the box, but realistically too. It would almost necessarily have to be something that was difficult to organize and costly to those engaging in it. Maybe it’s very expensive too so there would need to be a lot of fundraising done, and it might have a long learning curve involved to educate enough women and men to participate–I’m talking about a longterm, serious, dedicated effort that will, unlike screaming your head off in a public park, make the white supremacists think, “Wow, we’ve gone too far this time” or even “Maybe we need to leave the U.S.” OK, that last one was crazy talk, but you know what I mean here.

I think.

The only thing that comes to mind would be a lot of liberal engineers leaving the American defense industry in protest. Leaving any other sector such as Google, education, healthcare, social work, would just make conservatives think “good riddance,” but if America started to seriously lag behind China in fighters, missiles, submarines, etc., that might raise alarm bells. But I don’t know how liberal-conservative that field is.

And yes, you seem to grasp something that many progressives don’t, which is that liberals taking to the street in furious protest gives conservatives precisely the schadenfreude kick they want, just like how sports fans love watching opposing fans writhe in anguish after a bad play or defeat.

Your assumption that a “white-supremacist minority” is to blame is the reason your plan won’t go anywhere.

It’s hard to come up with a term for those blameworthy folks that will be accepted by everyone on all sides. But we all know who’s responsible for creating this crisis, no matter what inevitably objectionable name we choose for them, out of convenience’s sake. If you’d like to dispute this terminology, would you kindly open your own thread to do so? I’m not interested in disputing nomenclature.

Just wonder what the Trumpers would say if a large group of Roe supports attacked the Supreme Court just like they did to the Capitol Building on January 6th.

Too easy. They’d say what they always say, in incoherent phrases that contradict each other and display their incredible grasp of the English language. But that’s the sort of civil disobedience that I’m sure would accomplish very little.

My daughter, a nurse, lives near the border of a state that will be shutting down abortion facilities. She’s given her contact info to a group in that state and will be volunteering, initially one day a week, to do what she can. Depending on demand, she may cut back her “real” job to part-time so that she can volunteer more.

She is also going to do more WRT electioneering. She worked hard to get Biden elected, but vows to work harder after seeing this shitshow.

Please see:

I think they’d be delighted. “Insurrection!” In fact, if you check out this Twitter post about AOC’s protest, “insurrection” is exactly the narrative they go by in the comment section.

A million (wo)man march can still be effective. You need the million, though, and a well-thought-out program, not a hundred guys with placards. Rioting is beyond the pale: there had better be a damned good reason to occupy a building or face off against the police—definitely a risk of crying wolf there.

Or do you mean what should you do as a medical professional?

Speak with your wallet came to my mind. Losing money hurts, re: boycotts. How; well, that I dont know.

Just a guess,
It wasn’t Roe supports that attacked the Capitol Building on January 6th it was Aunty Fa!

Sweeping both Houses of Congress would be the most effective answer. There’s 34 Senate seats and all 435 House seats are up for election on November 8, 2022.
Cite: United States Congress elections, 2022 - Ballotpedia

New Federal legislation is needed to restore Pro Choice. Federal Law overrides state laws. It’s the supremacy clause, which is part of article VI of the Constitution.

Pro choice supporters have to organize and push a get out the vote campaign for candidates this Fall.

We already have a President that would sign reasonable pro choice legislation.

It will have to be carefully crafted to protect against court challenges.

I assume this is going to go on, whatever else happens. It’s not enough. I’m talking about stuff WAY beyond GOTV on steroids.

We still have a functioning democracy. This can be changed by simply voting. All we need is enough senators that Manchin isn’t needed - end the filibuster, pack the Court.

If this isn’t enough to get everyone out to vote , I’m not sure why there would be the motivation to do anything else.

I think the boost that is needed is for the Democratic Party to
get off their asses and SAY that they will end the filibuster and pack the Court if they get the votes to do so - make it an explicit mandate.

My violence is justified because I’m defending what I believe. Everyone else’s violence is wrong because they don’t believe what I believe.

As others have said, the most effective way to protest what the Supreme Court has done are voter registration drives.

  • This is not a Great Debate, not sure where it would belong, but not here.
  • This is a call of action and we do not allow those without prior approval and as this is generic it will never get approval.
  • It appears the answers being looked for would violate assorted laws.

So this thread is closed and will remain closed.