I purchased a ring over in Cairo and it has some quasi heirogliphic markings on the inside. It is a run of the mill ring, not anything ancient. I think the markings say what quality the ring is. I was told 18 ct. by the dealer. I stoped at two jewelery shops back in the US and got two answers…“junk plated” and “the real deal”. Any ideas on where to look these symbols up ?
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Didn’t there use to be a spell check on the preview post?
Lord nose I knead it
A good jeweler should be able to tell you exactly what the ring is by use of a streak plate and/or measuring its density.
Thirsty Mind Welcome to the boards.
Go to http://www.islamicity.com/mosque/ihame/Ref6.htm and you’ll see a table that shows what you need. Stay out of jewelry stores, as most of the clerks you talk to don’t know their ass from their knee. And don’t let them do anything to your ring.
It’s probably 18K.
Take your ring to a real jeweler or to a pawnshop and have it tested with a touchstone. . It won’t deface your ring in any noticeable way and then you will know. One of my grandfathers made jewelry. He did this test on any gold item he purchased.