Either I'm too stupid to live, or this game is harder than it seems

Crazy Cube.
I can’t make it past level 16 of this game; I’ve been stuck there for days. Argh!

Don’t feel bad, I can’t make it past level 7. Although I am a bit tired.

Okay make that level 8…

Okay, I too am stuck at level 16.

L13. Brain smoking & I need to go home.

Just got it.

I started with the red when I finished it.

For level 16, you need[spoiler] orange coiling around the left edge, purple around the right.

Start with blue going three up and forward, one to the left. Wrap red around it as snugly as possible. Drag green four left from the lower one, pull purple along the bottom and right edge. Orange and yellow should fit (albeit in a convoluted manner). [/spoiler]

And yes, the level is hard.

I need a nap.

17 is a pita, btw :slight_smile:

The colors are random for each level, by the way. :slight_smile:

I did 17. Here’s a hint:The reds connect the long way around on the outer edge.

It’s not so bad, but if you must know how to solve 15-30, click here. While there are no spoilers directly on that page, there are links to screenshots of the completed levels.

I must say, however, that it is much more satisfying to do them all yourself.

I’m throwing up the white flag on number 23.

Usually I can isolate one colour to start with, on this one I’m lost.

I’m on 23, but I think it’s time for bed.

bah, got it, but now I’m quitting.

For those reading other people’s posts for hints, be warned that the colors randomly change each time you play.

Which I see Eonwe already posted.

Once you get by level 23, I found the rest of them quite easy actually.

So for my money, the hardest levels are 16 and 23.

[spoiler]my system, which seemed to work for most of them, was to find a colour that could connect without affecting any other colours. It’s usually long and meandering and hits all sides. At this point a few other colours are pretty obvious.

Next, fill in all of the blocks in which only one colour can reside and that seemed to give me a general idea of where the cube was headed. The rest, with a little bit of trial and error, seems to fall into place. I don’t know if any of that makes sense to anyone else; it’s really late[/spoiler]

I quite enjoyed that game.

I gave up at level 19.

Is there a pause on this? I’m atr work, and I have to save this for lunch.

Oh, and thanks, ** featherlou**, for giving me my first hit free. I can see where I’ll be hooked on this bitch for days!:wink:

No problem! :smiley:

I like the way the game starts you off with kindergarten level puzzles, then all of a sudden, wham! you’re staring at the screen, cursing and getting frustrated. “Hey,” you say, “There’s no way that can go from here to there.”