El Presidente... ¡de ignorancia!

You really are just a simple creature, aren’t you? I submit the following relevant exhibit to the court of public opinion:


I don’t have a lot of time right now so I can’t go point-by-point and illustrate why you’re wrong about marijuana. I doubt you’d listen, you’re pretty deadset in the post-D.A.R.E. mentality. But suffice to say that, although I am not smoking now (largely due to lack of availability), I have smoked in the past and weed didn’t cause me to be unemployed, stupid, or degenerate. It did relieve my migraines, it chilled me the fuck out, and it made food taste amazing.

You are free to choose not to smoke marijuana. Nobody is trying to deny you your right to abstain. But you’re not free to be an ignorant D.A.R.E. parroting asstard and still be taken seriously. In GQ of all places, for fuck’s sake! Where someone was illustrating a point ironically by telling you to smoke hemp because it **wouldn’t **get you high.


Hey I hear it improves your driving…though it does make you hypersensitive to the issue of pedophilia.

You may want to set aside more time next time you want to post a Pit.

The thread, portrayed here completely out of context, by the way, was in the IMHO forum.

WAH-WAH-wah-waaaaaaaaaa . . . . . . . :cool::cool::cool:

El Presidente, you’re Eric Cartman and I demand my bag of Cheezy-poofs!

You are a complete fucking idiot, though.

So, do you still believe hemp and marijuana are in fact the same thing? Did you try smoking the hemp yet? I’ve got a few necklaces I’ll send so you can try! You can even by rolls of hemp rope to save you the trouble of finding a hemp farm.

And your mother’s a whore, so I guess that makes us even.

Hey** El Presidente**, I have a shirt made of hemp. Does that make me a lazy hippie with no job?

Try doing some actual research on hemp and it’s many industrial uses before you make such a boob of yourself, mkay?

I never said you could smoke hemp. I said that I suspect vociferous hemp advocates just want to get it legalized so that marijuana can get legalized.

No. Just someone with questionable fashion tastes.

Hey, ¡El Presidente!, why do you support the Nazis?

So you can judge the style and fashionability of an article of clothing sight unseen! Your powers are truly remarkable. Have you considered taking Randi’s paranormal challenge?

Well, maybe make yourself more clear next time. But, that’s not the case. Even though I think marijuana should be legal, I don’t put it in the same boat as hemp. Hemp DOES have several uses. I have hemp clothes (which aren’t itchy), purses, shoes, necklaces, and more. I even have books printed on hemp paper. It’s so hard to grow because of all the government regulations. Plus, calling hemp and marijuana the same thing is like saying a Pit Bull is the same thing as a Chihuahua. Yes they’re both dogs, but definitely not the same.

I think marijuana should be legal, too. I mean seriously, what harm does marijuana do? Let’s try this…

A group of friends get together to party. Someone breaks out a bag of weed and everyone gets high. They sit on the couch and possibly play video games, listen to music, get out instruments and play music, sketch, write, have some pretty thoughtful discussions, or maybe cook up some great concoctions . Not so bad, eh? I really don’t see any harm in that.

Then, we can compare that to the other option that oh so many people choose:

A group of friends get together to party. Someone breaks out a few bottles of liquor and a case of beer. They get drunk. Now, most drunks get loud, obnoxious, hostile, argumentative, and it usually ends up in a fight. Or, they decide to go out to the bar because they ran out of alcohol since they’re not thinking correctly because they’re FUCKED UP. Hmm…drinking + driving. Sounds like a much better idea than smoking weed, huh? So, after drinking even MORE, they decide to make their way back to the house. Crash, boom, people die.

Also you can think about the number of people who get in trouble for possessing a few grams of weed. Is it really necessary to lock someone up for smoking weed? I could see if that person was selling it to kids who aren’t old enough and don’t have the mental capacity to make decisions for themselves. What if it was legal? The government could regulate it, sell it, tax it, make tons of money, and there wouldn’t be as many people in jail for simply wanting to toke. Hmm…that means less crowded prisons/jails and more room for the real criminals.

But anyway, I guess that’s just my opinion. It’s not like it makes sense or anything. (it’s okay to admit I have a valid point) :wink:

I don’t see really how any of that was taken out of context. If you say hemp is cannabis, and cannabis is marijuana, then you’re saying hemp is marijuana. Right?

sings the Are You Smarter Than a Fifth Grader" song and dances around

Funny that a IMHO thread reads exactly like a pit thread. I never thought I’d say this, but I miss Czarcasm’s over-moderation.

I got told to take my hemp discussion here because I called him IGNORANT. Plus, I was in a thread about barefoot running…

Stay tuned.

Blech, I hate to even enter the dialogue, and can’t guarantee that I’ll return to it (due to lack of interest). But what’s the point in buying hemp clothes? Back in my quasi-neo-hippie days, it was because I thought it was “cool” (that was more than a decade ago).

What’s wrong with cotton/wool/whatever? Shit, you can make clothing out of cornhusk fibers. But the screaming demand for hemp fibers (which, admittedly have considerable strength and durability… although all of my old hemp “jewelry” back in the day tended to fail after a few months in the shower) seems like a a screaming hippie cry. One that I once espoused. Now I kind of feel like, hey - grow up and get some grown-up clothes. I have many friends who would disagree with this.

But fuck it, it’s my opinion at the moment. Maybe when I grow to be 40, I’ll think everyone should wear synthetics that don’t kill plants, since we all know they scream when they die.

Actually I think Raold Dahl just made that up…

IANADFH, but I believe that hemp is more resistant to pests, so requires less in the way of pesticide and herbicide. In any case, there’s no reason to treat it any differently from any other crop, since it takes several tons to get someone high.

I really hate it when this argument comes out. You know what? If you live downstairs from that party, fighting is really preferable to a guitar and percussion jam session. People who are high are no less obnoxious than people who are drunk. That doesn’t mean they ought to go to jail, and it especially doesn’t mean that people walking down the street need to be “tossed” or that paramilitary units need to attack private residences in order to prevent its use. But please no more about how groovy teh world would be if we’d all just take a hit and chill.