I’m having some issues with an outlet/switch wiring, I hope someone here can point me in the right direction.
There are two switches, both switching a single light.
My hope was to simply swap one of the outlets with a single outlet and a switch. If it’s easier, I’d be fine with making it two outlets on one box and a single switch on the other instead.
Unfortunately, one of my interns - told to simply kill the breaker and pull the plate - took the ‘initiative’ to also undo the leads before I could see their positioning on the switch terminals or take pics.
So I have a green (earth ground, I assume), a black, and two red. One of the reds is actually a white wire that was wrapped in red electrical tape. I assume one is a traveler?
I checked for voltage between leads, getting about 105VAC between the black/red I assume the 105 is because of something else loaded on the circuit?
What should I be looking for? Everything I read talks about white, black and green.
I’m pretty comfortable with electronics and DC circuits, but I am totally out of my element with house wiring. Just never dealt with it.
This seems like it should be a simple task but I’m hitting a wall. I can’t visualize how the two outlets (again, originally with a switch each and no outlet) should share the circuit for a switch plus outlet.
Here’s a link to a wiring diagram for a 2 switch/1 light circuit. You’ll need 3-Way-Switches. Most home circuitry is 2 conductor + gnd. For this, some 3 conductor + gnd wiring is necessary.
Check voltage between the green/ground wire and the others as well. If the other switch is still connected, check voltages with the switch in each position.
There are multiple ways a pair of three-way switches and a single light can be wired.
if you have a black and two red (one a relabeled white) then this would be one way to wire a three-way switch.
if that is so then you have no neutral (white) there to put a receptacle (outlet). you could put a switch there or wire it always on (use the other switch for operation) and cover with a solid cover plate.
you could maybe put a receptacle (outlet) at the other switch position if there is a neutral (white) in that box.
you should have a switch at each entrance to a room/hallway. maybe you need two switches.