Elia Kazan Honorary Oscar

Personally, I refuse to invite him to dinner although I’ll still watch his movies. But I don’t think the OP has expressed an opinion one way or the other. Isn’t that part of framing a debate?

But some were actually Commie agents committing espionage, not just sympathizers.

So yeah, it’s one thing to think “Communism is great” and other to pass on secrets.

A distinction without a difference at that time.

So what secrets did someone like Clifford Odets pass on to the Soviets?

Heck, it is essentially taking a question that he asked (and I answered) in that thread and expanding it to revive the discussion after the original was locked.

And good point Smapti. As well as Elia Kazan Highway and Fort Elia Kazan.

I thought time and the courts had found Roscoe ‘Fatty’ Arbuckle innocent. Last time I checked, he was guilty only of not calling 911 as soon as he should have.

We could make these debates a lot shorter if all of us would just list which artists and which behaviors/beliefs we find unacceptable. While we’re at it, let’s work out a point system, so that we can judge Olivia deHaviland’s contract work in a racist film against 54-year old Charlie Chaplin marrying 18-year old Oona O’Neill, vs. Charleton Heston’s work for the NRA, vs. O.J. Simpson

HUAC has boosters? Here?

How exactly does that work? Unlike a studio executive, I’ve never had any celebrities who worked for me. So how do I blacklist them?

Let me know soon because Shia LaBeouf is really getting on my nerves.

In all fairness, the 911 system didn’t exist until 1968 and Arbuckle died in 1933.

I know. I just figured if I went for strict literalism, I’d have to list all the facts (half of which I don’t remember). In any event, IIRC the courts found that Arbuckle assaulted nobody, raped nobody, and was guilty only in not knowing how badly off a guest was before finally summoning medical help.

Did I say Clifford Odets passed on secrets? Did you read my cite?

Closed as started by a troll. If someone feels the need to start an authentic thread they may do so.