eliminating factory farms: impossible or just diffiicult?

Could we please stick to the facts and avoid personal jabs?

Wow. It looks like the jabs from bobo@ver and XT were downright civil in comparison to Cecil’s volley of insults.

deep breaths Let’s calm down here.

It seems that nearly everyone here agrees that convincing Americans (or anyone who has disposable income) to avoid eating meat would be difficult. Several people have suggested a few ways it could happen, perhaps by social changes, others have insisted that only economics could possibly do it. Fine. Let’s consider that topic settled. That’s not what Kevin Schweitzer’s original question was about and it’s also not what my original post in this thread is about.

Kevin’s question was would it be POSSIBLE to feed all 320 Americans without the inhuman conditions of animals in factory farms.

He didn’t ask whether you think it’s a good idea or whether you dislike vegetarians. He only asked if it would be possible.

I propose that the answer to Kevin’s question is YES, it would be possible. Here are the facts:

#1 Factory farming of meat produces larger quantities of meat than what could be produced by free-range met production.

#2 Factory meat farms consume huge amounts of resources, including water, electricity, antibiotics, pollution, erosion, etc. Francis Moore Lappe covered this in some detail, reaching the conclusion that a typical factory-style beef farm consumes 16 times as much resources as vegetable farm. Put it another way, if you have a typical factory-style beef farm which consumes x amount of resources and down the road is a vegetable farm which also consumes that same amount of resources, the vegetable farm will feed 16 times as many people. Cecil apparently has another source (but he didn’t share it with us) which led him to say the ratio is “dozens of times more”. I used 24 times in my back-of-the-envelope calculations. Feel free to use some other ratio if you think that number is too high or too low.

#3 Modern vegetable farms also use “factory-style” intensive agriculture, with GMO crops, tons of pesticides and herbicides, machinery instead of human labor, artificial fertilizer, et cetera.

#4 The average American diet is currently something like 30% meat.

#5 If we stopped using factory-style farms to raise meat, we wouldn’t be able to produce as much meat as we do now.

If anyone has some facts which contradict the ones I listed here, please present them. Putting these five facts together, can we all agree that yes it would be possible to raise “a bunch of cows chewing cud on a hillside” without increasing our resource consumption, if you are willing to accept the consequence that there will be less meat to go around?

I wish I could say this more plainly. Free-range meat farms produce smaller quantities. This would not be a problem if people would just eat less meat.

Is it physically possible to produce just as much meat using free-range methods? No. Is it physically possible to produce a smaller amount of meat using free-range methods? Of course it is. Cutting back on the meat consumption would free up resources which could be used to produce free-range meat and also increase the vegetarian food supply to make up the difference in lost calories.

But I’m proposing to take this discussion one step further.

Would the amount of resources freed up by reducing meat consumption be enough that we could ALSO eliminate factory-style vegetable farming and instead go back to mostly human labor organic farming with natural fertilizers? I think the answer is yes.

On the contrary, that’s precisely the point I was addressing when I said that reducing meat consumption down to 20% of current levels would have the effect that “we could afford to feed 3 times as many people using the same resources and the same methods, OR we could feed the same number of people with 1/3 the resources using the same methods, OR we could feed the same number of people with the same amount of resources if we switched to farming methods which are only 1/3 as efficient.” That list bit was specifically talking about switching from factory-style vegetable farms to organic vegetable farms. I’m saying the amount of resources which would be freed up by reducing meat production is larger than the amount of extra resources it would take to switch to organic vegetable farming. I wasn’t ignoring that point at all, I was addressing it specifically.

Fine, show me a source which says the correct ratio is in fact something other than 24. Then do the calculations with your number and show us your math. You’ll still end up with the conclusion that reducing meat consumption frees up huge amounts of resources, perhaps enough that we could eliminate not only factory meat farms but also factory vegetable farms too.

Let me say it again, I’m not asking whether you LIKE this idea or whether you think it’s politically feasible. I’m just discussing whether it is physically possible and still be able to produce enough calories to feed 320 million Americans with the resources we have. That was Kevin’s question.

Ok. So, to be clear, you are claiming that we if we cut our meat consumption down to 20% of what it is today (i.e. cut consumption by 80%) that the land currently used for raising and supporting livestock (I’ve seen estimates between 1/3 to 1/2 of US agricultural land is used for raising and supporting livestock, so I guess it depends on how you parse the question as to which figure reflects reality) coupled with all of the other land used we could switch away from ‘factory farms’ to all organic…correct? That’s your argument?

If so, it’s not going to happen. As I said, much of the land used to graze cattle on is scrub and has no potential for switching over to re-purpose to grow something else. true, the US oat production currently goes mainly to feeding meat animals (I’ve seen figures ranging from 80-90% so I’d say that’s a good ballpark), but organic under produces conventional farming in key crops for yield (from here…I picked Slate because people here seem to like it, but here is the Nature article much of it’s based on, though most of the article seems to be behind a pay wall):

So, even if we take the 50% of US agricultural land is used for raising and supporting meat animals and even if we assume we’d be able to re-purpose every scrap of it the math doesn’t work out. As for my figures they are simple…80% of the 50% of US agricultural land is around 40% (you’d still need to produce 20% of our current demand after all, and this would be the best case scenario, though granted I’m not getting into imported meat at all here), but you are going to take a 43% hit across the board (i.e. you’d need 43% more land than we currently use to produce the same amounts of staples we currently produce…of course, this would be 43% more PRIME farm land, not scrub or cattle range or warehouses where chickens are grown and raised before going to market, but again this is the best case trying to make the numbers work). Even if you do a straight 43-40% you get a 3% difference, and surely you see that this isn’t how it would work out. And that’s TODAY (and in the US or say, Europe where organic farming is at it’s best)…they are projecting a fairly significant population increase by 2050 when it’s supposed to level off and maybe decline. If you tried to switch over to what you are proposing in your OP and later you’d have a much more dramatic population decrease fairly rapidly (besides having a lot of very unhappy people, but you want to disregard that part and just look at the numbers).

If you read through the whole Slate article you’ll see that there are actually some areas where organic farming does better than conventional, especially in very vertical markets, but overall it just doesn’t cut it. This has little to do with my likes or dislikes but it has to do with reality. Perhaps in the future we will have a new farming revolution that gives us the best of both worlds, conserving the soil but keeping yields high (and going ever higher, since as the population increases we will need more and more food production on the same land, since we aren’t getting more arable land, but in fact we lose a little more every year).

If you feel you’ve been insulted feel free to inform a mod. Otherwise get off the cross. I wasn’t talking about you directly in that post, but if you feel you fit the bill there then that’s more on you than me.

As I said upthread, if we are only talking about production of animal products, specifically meat, then certainly it’s possible to feed all Americans using factory farm production of non-animal products. They won’t be happy about it, but sure. But we’d still need those ‘factory farms’ to do it, I suppose it just wouldn’t be ‘inhuman conditions’ for the animals if we aren’t still producing cheese, butter or other non-meat animal products.

YOUR contention, however, seemed to be a bit broader than the guy who wrote to Cecil.

If you want to ignore reality and you want to focus narrowly on ONLY meat or other animal products production and also ignore the fact that we’d still need ‘factory farms’ to produce the other non-animal food stuffs, then sure…I agree. It would be possible to do. If we tried to switch to all organic though and get rid of ALL ‘factory farms’ then that would be possible as well, as long as you are good with a lot of folks starving. I mean, I don’t have to think it’s a good idea for it to work, right?

Ok, I showed you why it won’t work. Now it’s your turn. What makes you think it will? Feel free to go with the best case scenario and show how we could eliminate all ‘factory-style vegetable farming’ (AND ‘mostly human labor organic farming with natural fertilizers’…by which I presume you mean we also will be not using nasty machines to cultivate and harvest but instead a bunch of folks with hand tools? And, what, human drawn wagons to bring the bounty to market? This is a serious question, not being snarky, but I have no idea what ‘mostly human labor’ means in this context but I assume since you want to differentiate it from ‘factory-style’ you mean non-automated which would dramatically shift this all from ‘not possible’ to ‘pure fantasy’).

The other alternative of course would be to keep factory farming but in a less brutal form. Certain European countries ban practices such as tail docking and the EU tries to curb it.

The answer is yes and no.

We will survive…you will not.

What does that mean?

It means there will be a violent collapse.

The current system is absolute capitalistic…meaning it takes more power than it gives to sustain existence.

The same as chopping down trees faster than they regrow to sustain existence.

You have two options.

Choose to stop chopping down trees faster than they regrow before they run out now…and collapse to oblivion.

Or to avoid that negative fate

Choose to continue chopping down trees faster than they regrow until they run out and be forced to collapse to oblivion later.

Now or later the logical conclusion of the take more power than is given delusion is the same.

There is no way to avoid the collapse.

other than to leave the cities.

for the past 71 years the USA and world have been hyperinflating.

The cities are all hyperinflationary life traps…when the logical conclusion of the take more power than is given delusion is reached…there will be a polarity shift…and all the cities will turn into hyperdeflationary deathtraps.

This eventuality is already unfolding…Since 2008 the 1944 Bretton woods global trade system that all the slave nation states depend upon reached maximum potential and has been in a controlled collapse ever since.

The USA is at the top of the Bretton woods pyramid…it is the power supply to it.

In 2008 the demand by the population of the USA for power by the population of the USA became greater than the supply of power by the population of the USA to the population of the USA…

The USA became negatively yielding…This yield starvation has been spreading within the USA and out into the rest of the global system…You can see all the national economies collapsing all over the world…the revolutions and wars are all being ignited as cover for the economic collapses.

Missing from this discussion (so far) is another conundrum: Even among animals, there are some that require less resources to raise for meat than others.

Fish, amphibians, and reptiles, for example, are cold blooded. They don’t need as much food to survive and grow as warm-blooded birds and mammals do. If we’re worried about how resource-intensive it is to raise meat, farmed seafood should theoretically be cheaper than farmed beef or chicken.

“But all this has already been said, or rather shouted at you, by Greenpeace volunteers while you try desperately to get by them on the sidewalk without making eye contact.”

I am neither a Greenpeace member nor donor, but this seems unfair. I’ve never had a Greenpeace volunteer shout at me, nor evangelize vegetarianism. They mostly seem to quietly and politely ask for money. You don’t get money from people by shouting at them, generally

It could be that modern factory livestock production is just a stepping stone in the mechanization of meat production. There’s reason to believe that in the not-too-distance future we could raise muscle protein independently of live animals. There are already prototype in-vitro meat systems in existence. That could conceivably ameliorate both the ethical and “sustainability” issues with meat protein production.

running out of sea food too at this point…

The plain and simple fact is that the demand by the population of the planet is greater than the supply.

The first world countries at the top of the global hierarchy are imploding the third world countries down towards the absolute 0 point to supply power to the demand for power by the explosion of the first world countries up towards the absolute 1 point.

inside of the slave nation states of the globalist master system the same is happening…the net consumers of yield are imploding the net producer of yield down towards the absolute 0 point to power the explosion of the net consumers of yield up towards the absolute 1 point.

it’s why the rich getting richer poor getting poorer effect has shown up.

lower class slaves = net producers of power.

upper class masters and their middle class servants = demand for power.

the slaves supply the demand of the master and the master supplies the demand of the servants.

the current situation is that the slaves have reached their maximum potential and are cutting off the supply to the demand of the masters which in turn is causing the masters to cut off the supply to the servants…causing the lower class to expand and the middle class to contract.

It’s the only place to make up the difference.

you can not make cuts to the net producers since they are already being whipped/taxed to the max…the masters derive all that they have from the slaves…so the only place to make cuts are to the middle class servants…

It’s why the middle class servants of wannbe upper class masters is always annihilated.

but then there is the absolute capitalist hierarchical food powered make work enterprise itself.

or the master lie you all believe is Truth…

that all within it are slaves of.

the slaves are broken down into 2 groups…the rich servants and the poor slaves.

“The worshippers (rich servants) of the compounding interest equation (master lie worshiped as truth) will bear its burdens without complaint and perhaps without even suspecting that the equation is inimical to their interests while those who follow the worshippers (poor slaves) will complain about the effects but will be ignorant of the cause.”–Hypertiger

At the core or the absolute capitalist hierarchical food powered make work enterprise or what all you absolute capitalist drones have been trained/socially engineered/ programed to call civilization is the absolute capitalist or take more power than is given equation.

and at the core of the equation is e

“The number e is an important mathematical constant that is the base of the natural logarithm. It is approximately equal to 2.71828”

e = 5

5 x 5 = 25

2+5 = 7

e x e = 7.389

738/2 = 369

“If you only knew the magnificence of the 3, 6 and 9, then you would have a key to the universe.”–Tesla

K = 11
E = 5
Y = 25

5th prime = 11
5 x 5 = 25

11+5+25 = 41 = 13th prime and the 3rd prime in which the numbers that comprise the prime add up to 5

4+1 = 5

369/3 = 123/3 = 41

4+1 = 5

Hyper = 72
tiger = 59

72+59 = 131

131 = 32nd prime or 3+2 = 5

131 is the 5th prime in which the numbers that comprise the prime add up to 5

e x e = 7.389

739 = 131st prime

“The number e is an important mathematical constant that is the base of the natural logarithm. It is approximately equal to 2.71828”


711+117 = 828

79 x 9 = 711

79th prime is 401 = the 7th prime in which the numbers that comprise the prime add up to 5

271+172 = 443

4 x 43 = 172+271 = 443

When this was found by…

“Leonhard Euler ( 15 April 1707 – 18 September 1783 Basel, Switzerland ) was a pioneering Swiss mathematician and physicist.”

He exclaimed Eureka!..according to the story.

It’s a very important number.


36.9 x 12 = 442.8

there is 369 again

999/369 = 2.70731 or 2.71

999/368 = 2.71467 or 2.71

369/2 = 184.5 or 185

“July 4 is the 185th day of the year (186th in leap years) in the Gregorian calendar. There are 180 days remaining until the end of the year.”

“The Aphelion, the point in the year when the Earth is farthest from the Sun, occurs around this date.”

The past was well planned out.


36.9 rounded is 37

37 x 48 = 1776

London = 74

2 x 37 = 74

New York = 111

3 x 37 = 111

111+74 = 185

5 x 37 = 185

Manhattan New York on Wall street is where the first US congress met on march 4th…the original inauguration date of the US constitution…

the first thing they did was count the votes that elected George Washington the first US president.

march 4th is 4 months from july 4th

or 444

march 4th is 3/4

3 x 4 = 12

37 x 12 = 444

it is 122 days from July 4th

“May 1 is the 121st day of the year (122nd in leap years) in the Gregorian calendar. There are 244 days remaining until the end of the year.”

122 x 2 = 244

122 x 3 = 366 or the number of days in a leap year.

like 1776

“The Illuminati (plural of Latin illuminatus, “enlightened”) is a name given to several groups, both real and fictitious. Historically, the name refers to the Bavarian Illuminati, an Enlightenment-era secret society founded on May 1, 1776”

George Washington’s birthday…

“February 22 or 2/22 is the 53rd day of the year in the Gregorian calendar. There are 312 days remaining until the end of the year (313 in leap years).”

so 222 on 444 in 111

222+444+111 = 777

“The number 777 is significant in various religious and political contexts.”

back then they did not have computers to encrypt.

Rome = 55
London = 74
Washington = 130

All three are sovereign enclaves.

55+74+130 = 259

37 x 7 = 259

259 x 3 = 777

“The numbers 3 and 7 are considered both “perfect numbers” under Hebrew tradition.”

3 x 7 = 21

37 x 21 = 777

Why do I show you this?

because if you do not understand the underlying structure of the universe…you are just a speculator.

In war there are two sides.

the winner that knows they are going to win and the loser that believes they are going to win.

I’m the winner that knows I already won the game.

You all are losers that think you are going to win the game you are playing designed by the owners of it so they win by default.

because they are not playing it…you all are.

the master lie believed to be Truth that you all are slaves of…is your master but the servant of the invisible masters or owners.

Holy frijole.

I didn’t see the 17/23 correlation in there. I think it’s bogus.

Just so you know, ‘frijole’ has 7 letters in it, and ‘Holy’ is often associated with 100. If you take the space to be a hidden x (the cross of Jesus), and use it to mean multiply by, you get 7x100 which is…700. However, since this is 2015 and since you are the LEFT hand of Dorkness, we then take a different kind of cross (this time a ‘+’) and add 77 to the total, giving us (7x100)+77 which is…that’s right, 777 (or, 666+111)!

I thought when I read the question that this was what Cecil was going to segue into. Vat grown meat would seem to be a more suitable topic for the column.

California uses over a third of its water for hay for livestock. Get rid of the cows, then there’s a lot more water for humans and other crops. (BTW: requiring patrons at restaurants to ask for a glass of water is a joke. That’s astonishingly insignificant compared to other uses. It’s PR that backfires.)

OTOH, range-raised beef isn’t going away. A bit costlier than hay/grain-fed beef, but there’s a lot of land not suitable for any crop.

Note that animals aren’t the only wastes of resources in food production. Again, in California, there has been a boom in almond orchards. China has gotten the almond bug. Very lucrative crop. But a big waste in terms of resources for nutrition.

If you want to go after meat as a waste, then be prepared to take on a lot of other foods.

BTW: Among warm blooded critters, rabbits are one of the best bangs for your bucks in terms of feed in-meat out. Happy belated Easter.

California doesn’t have “a lot of water” for any reason, and never did. It’s time they moved away from all irrigated crops, especially the really thirsty ones.

Not that it will matter. I predict the LA region will be ghosting out, Detroit-style, within ten years, and be a fraction of its population in no more than 30. I remember when Australia was all but buying new citizens by the shipload - subsidies, grants, giveaways - until they suddenly realized, around 1975, that they simply didn’t have enough water for a larger population. It became much more difficult to emigrate there, harder than even before the big come-on.

The glass-o-water, water lawns on odd days, etc. bits are just a variation on the crying Indian PSA. Deflect the real blame along with the real issues and make individuals feel bad for causing all this destruction.

Because there are areas of the world unsuitable for growing crops. Consider the chalk downs where there is approx 1-2 cm of cover. Using herbivores to convert that otherwise useless land to useful meat (and milk and wool and leather and so on) means that the land is productive.

Also, crops can only be grown for part of the year. And some animals are useful in the other part of the year. E.g. pigs turn over the land, helping prepare it for the next growing season.

LHoD, meet our latest member and become enlightened. Numerology Rules!

I’ll mark your prediction on my calendar.

Predictions have a fatal flaw. They often assume that current trends will continue. Mark Twain had this to say about that:

Now let’s consider what might happen to California if a cheap method of desalinization were found. California would be awash in fresh water, and exporting it to Kansas and Arizona, maybe even filling up the Colorado River. Can you guarantee this won’t happen?

One such plant is on the way.

H = 8
O = 15
L = 12
Y = 25

8+15+12+25 = 60

“A system of mensuration employing 60-degree vectorial coordination comprehensive to both physics and chemistry, and to both arithmetic and geometry, in rational whole numbers … Synergetics explains much that has not been previously illuminated … Synergetics follows the cosmic logic of the structural mathematics strategies of nature, which employ the paired sets of the six angular degrees of freedom, frequencies, and vectorially economical actions and their multi-alternative, equi-economical action options … Synergetics discloses the excruciating awkwardness characterizing present-day mathematical treatment of the interrelationships of the independent scientific disciplines as originally occasioned by their mutual and separate lacks of awareness of the existence of a comprehensive, rational, coordinating system inherent in nature”–Buckminster Fuller (1895-1983) from Synergetics"

“The Babylonian system of mathematics was sexagesimal (base 60) numeral system. From this we derive the modern day usage of 60 seconds in a minute, 60 minutes in an hour, and 360 degrees in a circle. The Babylonians were able to make great advances in mathematics for two reasons. Firstly, the number 60 is a superior highly composite number, having factors of 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 10, 12, 15, 20, 30, 60 (including those that are themselves composite), facilitating calculations with fractions. Additionally, unlike the Egyptians and Romans, the Babylonians had a true place-value system, where digits written in the left column represented larger values (much as in our base ten system: 734 = 7×100 + 3×10 + 4×1). The Sumerians and Babylonians were pioneers in this respect.”

60/5 = 12

12th prime = 37
21s prime = 73

365/5 = 73

365/60 = 6.1

6.1 x 60 = 366 or the number of days in a leap year.

12+21 = 33

37 x 33 = 1221

“The equation of time describes the discrepancy between two kinds of solar time. These are apparent solar time, which directly tracks the motion of the sun, and mean solar time, which tracks a fictitious “mean” sun with noons 24 hours apart. Apparent (or true) solar time can be obtained by measurement of the current position (hour angle) of the Sun, or indicated (with limited accuracy) by a sundial. Mean solar time, for the same place, would be the time indicated by a steady clock set so that over the year its differences from apparent solar time average to zero.”

“The equation of time is the east or west component of the analemma, a curve representing the angular offset of the Sun from its mean position on the celestial sphere as viewed from Earth.”

Where number 8 comes from…Analemma

where the cross meets is April 14th or 4/14 and then loops around again to august 28th or 8/28

414 x 2 = 828

414+828 = 1242/2 = 621

“June 21 or 621 is the 172nd day of the year (173rd in leap years). There are 193 days remaining until the end of the year.”

“This day usually marks the summer solstice in the northern hemisphere and the winter solstice in the southern hemisphere, which is the day of the year with the most hours of daylight in the northern hemisphere and the fewest hours of daylight in the southern hemisphere.”

The absolute 1 point of the wave or peak where the sun of GOD rules supreme in the northern hemisphere

The absolute 0 point of the wave or abyss where the black hole of the universe reigns supreme in the southern hemisphere

414+828 = 1242

1242 obverse + 2421 reverse = 3663

3663/3 = 1221

December 21…or 1221 is the 355th day of the year (356th in leap years) in the Gregorian calendar. There are 10 days remaining until the end of the year."

“In the Northern Hemisphere, December 21st is usually the shortest day of the year and is sometimes regarded as the first day of winter. In the Southern Hemisphere, December 21st is usually the longest day of the year and occurs during the southern summer.”

The absolute 0 point of the wave or abyss where the black hole of the universe reigns supreme in the northern hemisphere

The absolute 1 point of the wave or peak where the sun of GOD rules supreme in the southern hemisphere

You want to switch from factory farming back to the olden days…You should educate yourself about what the ancients knew 1000’s of years before you were born…and what is not taught in schools…Or drone production facilities.

1221+621 = 1842

1842/2 = 921

“And Jesus said unto him, Why callest thou me good? none is good, save one, that is, God.”-Luke 18:19

921+1 = 922

“September 22…or 9/21 is the 265th day of the year (266th in leap years) in the Gregorian calendar. There are 100 days remaining until the end of the year.”

“It is frequently the day of the autumnal equinox in the Northern Hemisphere and the day of the vernal equinox in the Southern Hemisphere.”

414+828 = 1242

1242-922 = 320

“March 20…or 3/20 is the 79th day of the year (80th in leap years) in the Gregorian calendar. There are 286 days remaining until the end of the year.”

“Typically the March equinox falls on this date, marking the vernal point in the Northern Hemisphere and the autumnal point in the Southern Hemisphere, when both day and night are of equal length.”

From March 20 to September 22 is 186 days

From June 21 to December 21 is 183 days

186+183 = 369

“If you only knew the magnificence of the 3, 6 and 9, then you would have a KEY to the universe.”–Tesla

K = 11
E = 5
Y = 25

11+5+25 = 41

41 x 3 = 123 x 3 = 369

4+1 = e

“The number e is an important mathematical constant that is the base of the natural logarithm. It is approximately equal to 2.71828”

“.exe is a common filename extension denoting an executable file (the main execution point of a computer program). Besides the executable program, many .exe files contain other components called resources, such as bitmap graphics and icons which the executable program may use for its graphical user interface.”

The invisible order or reality of the basic system operating in the background powers the visible chaos of the graphical user interface or fantasy believed to be reality in the foreground.

“In all chaos there is a cosmos, in all disorder a secret order.”–Carl Jung

e x e = 7.389

738/2 = 369

369/3 = 123/3 = 41

4+1 = e

e = 5

e x e = 7.389

rounded is 739

739 = 131st prime

Hyper = 72
Tiger = 59

72+59 = 131

131 = 32nd prime

3+2 = 5

131 = the 5th prime in which the numbers that comprise the prime add up to 5

369+963 = 1332

"But of that day and of that hour no man knows, neither the Angels of Heaven, neither The Son, but The Father only.”—Mark 13:32

13th prime = 41
32nd prime = 131

Father Time is usually depicted as an elderly bearded man, dressed in a robe and carrying a scythe and an hourglass or other timekeeping device (which represents time’s constant one-way movement, and more generally and abstractly, entropy). This image derives from several sources, including the Grim Reaper and Cronus, the Greek Titan of human time, reaping and calendars, or The Lord of Time.”

The lord or knowledgeable master of time rules the peasants or ignorant slaves of time.

“In Greek mythology, Hyperion (/haɪˈpɪərɪən/; Greek: Ὑπερίων, “The High-One”) was one of the twelve Titan children of Gaia (Earth) and Uranus (Sky or Heaven) who, led by Cronus, overthrew Uranus and were themselves later overthrown by the Olympians. With his sister, the Titaness Theia, Hyperion fathered Helios (Sun), Selene (Moon) and Eos (Dawn)”

“Of Hyperion we are told that he was the first to understand, by diligent attention and observation, the movement of both the sun and the moon and the other stars, and the seasons as well, in that they are caused by these bodies, and to make these facts known to others; and that for this reason he was called the father of these bodies, since he had begotten, so to speak, the speculation about them and their nature.—Diodorus Siculus”

My real name is Michael

Michael = 51

“The name of March comes from Latin Martius, the first month of the earliest Roman calendar. It was named for Mars, the Roman god of war who was also regarded as a guardian of agriculture and an ancestor of the Roman people through his sons Romulus and Remus. His month Martius was the beginning of the season for both farming and warfare, and the festivals held in his honor during the month were mirrored by others in October, when the season for these activities came to a close. Martius remained the first month of the Roman calendar year perhaps as late as 153 BC”

Mars = 51

153 reverse is 351

3 x 51 = 153/3 = 51

“March 1 began the numbered year in Russia until the end of the 15th century. Great Britain and its colonies continued to use March 25 until 1752, when they finally adopted the Gregorian calendar. Many other cultures and religions still celebrate the beginning of the New Year in March.”

I was born March 5th.


3 x 5 = 15 or 5+5+5

37 x 15 = 555

The 64th day

64th prime is 311

3 = C
11 = K

555 Celsius = 828 Kelvin

828/2 = 414

1+4+1 = 6
4+1+4 = 9

6+9 = 15 or 5+5+5

141 Celsius = 414 Kelvin

141+414 = 555


82/9 = 9.11
28/9 = 3.11

911+1119+191 = 1221
311+113+131 = 555

1221+555 = 1776

Born march 5th, 1971

or 3/5/71

3571 = 500th prime

reverse is 1753

1753 = 273rd prime

“The kelvin is a unit of measure for temperature. It is one of the seven base units in the International System of Units (SI) and is assigned the unit symbol K. The Kelvin scale is an absolute, thermodynamic temperature scale using as its null point absolute zero, the temperature at which all thermal motion ceases in the classical description of thermodynamics. The kelvin is defined as the fraction 1⁄273 of the thermodynamic temperature of the triple point of water (exactly 0.01 °C or 32.018 °F). In other words, it is defined such that the triple point of water is exactly 273 K.”

My name is Michael…born march 5th…the 64th day

64th prime is 311

3/11 = 0.272727272727272

Rounded is 273

“September 29 or 9/29 is the 272nd day of the year (273rd in leap years) in the Gregorian calendar. There are 93 days remaining until the end of the year.”

93+39 = 132/2 = 66

66th prime = 317

3 x 17 = 51

51 = Michael

“Michaelmas the feast of Saint Michael the Archangel (also the Feast of Saints Michael, Gabriel, Uriel and Raphael, the Feast of the Archangels, or the Feast of Saint Michael and All Angels), is a day in the Western Christian liturgical year that occurs on 29 September or 9/29. Because it falls near the equinox, it is associated in the northern hemisphere with the beginning of autumn and the shortening of days.”

my last name is Leopard = 71

Michael = 51

51+71 = 122


9 x 29 = 261

2 x 61 = 122

Hyper = 72
Tiger = 59

72/59 = 1.22

Michael = 51

5/1 = May 1st

“May 1 is the 121st day of the year (122nd in leap years) in the Gregorian calendar. There are 244 days remaining until the end of the year.”

122 x 2 = 244

122 x 3 = 366 the number of days in a quantum leap year.

Like 1776

“The Illuminati (plural of Latin illuminatus, “enlightened”) is a name given to several groups, both real and fictitious. Historically, the name refers to the Bavarian Illuminati, an Enlightenment-era secret society founded on May 1, 1776”

When I post information…I’m not joking around or playing a game…Just incase that is what you think…

California is game over if the water does not return.

Economic reality = supply of power
Economic fantasy = demand for power.

The current system takes more power than it gives to sustain existence.

like chopping down trees faster than they regrow to supply power to the demand for power by economic fantasy.

as long as there are trees or economic reality to chop down to supply power to the demand for power by the economic fantasy you all believe is economic reality.

The fantasy you believe to be reality will be sustained.

But when the trees run out or the demand by the economic fantasy becomes greater than the economic reality can supply.

The positive daydream of fantasy polarity shifts into the negative nightmare of reality.

California is doomed since it’s only been the collapse of yield rates the past 34 years down towards the absolute 0 point from the absolute 1 point in 1981 that has allowed California to enjoy the growth that it has.

basically for the past 34 years the net consumers of yield have been imploding the net producers of yield down towards the absolute 0 point of eternal death to power the explosion of the net consumers of yield up towards the absolute 1 point of eternal life.

when the logical conclusion of the take more power than is given delusion is reached…the singularity point of judgement day.

It will be game over of the game you all are playing.

It’s like this.

There is 997% invisible deflation being caused to supply power to the demand for power by 1000% invisible inflation.

invisible deflation + invisible inflation = visible inflation or deflation.

In this case it is 3%

You all have zero idea how close you all are the end.

What you exist within right now is a fantasy you believe to be reality.

The economics of reality is the supply of power to the demand for power by the economics of fantasy you believe to be the economics of reality.

Hypertiger, you posted the same shit in two other threads on two other topics. Is this an all-purpose, universal gospel message you are trying to convey? If so, it isn’t working – I’m still not rich, not getting any younger, and you aren’t looking any prettier.