Elite Dangerous

For anyone that never bought Horizons, it will now be included free with the base game, here is a video of what it includes (chiefly planetary landings).

Apparently everyone who participated in the latest Community Goals got the top 10% reward.

That % shouldn’t have been there; apparently everyone got the top 10 commanders reward.

Bug or intentional?

Today’s lesson, ‘oh mission to alpha centuri, Hutton hub, hmm sounds familiar… Money is good let’s roll’

On arrival after a couple of minutes in super crusie
Odd I am at 35c and two hours to go for only. O.21 Ls distance, glitch maybe?
Ohhhhh Ly not Ls do I need to jump again?
Checks system map…
That will be an hour in supercrusie then.


Alpha Centauri is great for staking courier runs to the same port. Just make sure you aren’t piloting something which requires a Large pad.

Stacking? As in fly around different systems and find a bunch of courier missions to Hutton, then deliver all at once?
I guess I should pick up a mug and some gin when I get there.

That’s the idea but most people stay in one system and pick up missions from the different stations there. :slight_smile:

Sol is good for this when the Federation allows you to visit.

Ahh that would make more sense,
Anyway I am on a trip to Maia to see if I can find some meta alloy and maybe sell the gin and mug I picked up.

I needed a break from hitting F5 on the election follow along thread and CNN so I took a trip. I randomly drove 1000ly from Sol and back again scanning systems and using the FSS on small systems or when scooping and picked up 3million in credits for the data.
Manged to get a few engineering upgrades and discovering materials traders has made picking passenger missions easier for the specifc parts needed (ie pick the one with the rarest reward and trade it, although I am sure that will bite me in tbe ass later whe. I need those rare items)
Other observations, space is big and endless, yet I think I will have to go a lot further to find an undiscovered system.

Anyone who wants the game – or a second account – it will be free on Epic next week.

Is there an advantage to a second account?

When I played EVE Online I had a second account and it helped a lot. What’s more, I could play both simultaneously (and usually did).

I have two accounts: my main mostly stays in the bubble for missions & stuff while my alt is in the black for when I feel like exploring.

I’ve had both on at the same time – in my own private group – to repeatedly transfer cargo from the main to the alt, which the alt sold to buy a decent exploration ship.

The current community goal to get stuff to the Coal Sack pays well. It’s about 500ly from Zaounce (ridley Scott Station) to the target, so 15 jumps or so. I can hual 72 tonnes in the aspX (switched the first class cabin for a type 6 cargo hold) and clearing about a million in profit plus picking up some exploration data on the way there and back.
I am sure other routes can pay out more, but it helps a community goal so why not.
Starting to hear ‘frame shift drive charging’ in my sleep

The good ship ‘oh no not again’ asp x had been fully FSD upgraded , along with mods on the thrusters and scanners so getting 48ly range. I dropped the first class cabin and replaced with a 6A fuel scoop , which is great for jump n scoop n jump.
Investigating unidentified signals was key to getting all the materials for the engineering upgrades.

I have now been heading out 1kly from sol and then finding a refueling star and jumping out and surveying planets and SRV surveying
Look like I will have to go a whole lot further if I ever hope to find a undiscovered system.

Odyssey is open for pre-order on Steam: $55 for the expansion + Alpha access or $40 for just the expansion.

Far as I know, my main will at least have Beta access as part of buying the lifetime pass with Horizons.

Precambrianmollusc do you have any recommended guides? I picked up the game back in 2015, and I played around with it a few times, but never really delved in hardcore.

I recently built a new PC with a much beefier video card, so I’m hoping that I will actually stick for a while, but it’s been 2 years at least since I played.

Also have to find my dang HOTAS. Ugh.

Either way, 07!

Odyssey will add another incentive to explore: first to set foot on planets.

Sound alike Odyssey has pushed back to late spring due to corona.
Has anyone stumped up for it yet?
In other news I bought a Diamondback explorer and with clean running drives, light weight stuff and fully engineered FSD, the good ship ‘Towel Beer Peanuts’ has over 50ly jump distance with a business class cabin. It also runs cool enough so I have plenty of time to dock when silent running for those passengers who would like to avoid any law enforcement entanglements.
Has anyone bothered with the Guardian mods, can you get up to 60?
I made a 7kly passenger trip in by AspX (44ly) and found some new systems, some weird metalic crystals and a space mollusc thing which was cool and am thinking of making the trip to Sag A if I drop a few things for the DBX.

I shall likely get Odyssey some short period of time after launch.

There’s aspects of Elite that demand way too much time (Guardian tech, deep-space exploration, carriers) that have remained beyond my willingness to commit to. On the other hand, being able to drop in on a ground-based pirate facility with my ground-attack Fer-de-Lance and then shoot it all up with some ground-based assault does have appeal, since it looks like it might lend itself to a one-or-two hour session max.

I might push that up to three hours if they introduce scifi tanks or something, though I acknowledge that’s likely outside of the scope of Elite.