Need answer fast
I just found out yesterday that Elvis Costello is coming to Melbourne tomorrow, and bringing his Random Wheel of Song Awesomeness. I don’t know if I should go or not.
– Well, it’s a concert and he doesn’t come every day.
– The other two times I’ve seen him he did almost the exact same set, so the wheel would make it a different set (the obscurest song he played that I knew and liked was Chelsea.)
– It’s in a 5000-capacity hall and only balcony seats are available.
– The second time I saw him was the best, and that was due to the high energy performance wherein he literally didn’t stop the music between most songs. Having to spin a wheel would get in the way of this obviously.
So has anyone seen him on this tour? How’s the energy? Are there lots of songs on the wheel from This Year’s Model (other than Radio, Pump it Up and Chelsea)? (I also have and like around 6 other Elvis albums but I’m mainly interested in hearing deep cuts from TYM since they sound like they would be good live. Although come to think of it My Aim is True songs might sound good if he’s up for them.)