I recently planted eight 12 foot arborvitaes in my yard as the start of what will be a privacy screen between myself and the neighboring homes. My plan is to add an additional eight next year. Actually, I would have gone ahead and planted all 16 at once if they weren’t so expensive! It cost me $1,100 for all these trees and that’s a pretty penny where I’m from! (Northeastern PA)
So these trees have been here about 3 weeks now and I have watered them a few times. Probably once or twice a week at most. My first week I probably overdid it a little bit, but I have been trying to not be so obsessive about it as I know over watering can be fatal for these trees as well. Unfortunately, I read that you should water these trees even if it is going to rain since the roots will not absorb as much rainwater as they require. What that means is that I have been checking the soil, and even if the forecast called for some rain, or even a lot of rain, I figured I should give them a little drink anyway just to ensure that the roots were able to get what they needed just in case the rain didn’t provide enough water deep enough to benefit the trees.
With the current weather here in my area being a good ten days of heavy rain, I am very concerned about the roots being drowned in all that moisture. It also doesn’t help that I gave them all a drink on the morning of the day when all of this heavy rain began . . .
Obviously I won’t be watering them again for awhile as we still have a few more days of heavy rain on the horizon . . . Probably won’t even give that a second thought again until at least early August.
But I have noticed that the trees are all getting very, very brown on the inside of the trees, and there is some minor browning on the outer part of the trees as well. The trees appear mostly green on the outside, but I am worried because of all the rain and because I am new to this sort of thing that the trees are severely over watered and possibly dying.
My plan, assuming these trees aren’t dying, is to cut back to one watering a week (while continuing to check the soil to see if it is required or if an additional watering may be needed).
I have read that evergreens normally turn brown in late summer . . . but it’s not even August yet so I simply must ask: is it normal for arbs to show this sort of browning this time of year?
Is this more common for trees that were recently transplanted?
Or have I quite possibly killed my trees by trying too hard to keep them watered?
Any advice is appreciated, and thank you in advance!