Emergency disaster kits

Not that I am a “sky is falling” type of guy, but, I have been looking into either creating a disaster kit, or just buying one.

Since I am very lazy, they buying one seems the way I will go. Has anyone bought any of these pre-packaged disaster kits? I see them everywhere but really know nothing about them.

So any first hand stories, recommendations, etc… would be helpful!

I’ve never bought a pre-packaged kit, but I always try to be prepared for a disaster/emergency.

Whenever Hubby and I go hiking, we take along water purification tablets, cigarette lighters sealed in a Zip-Loc baggie with bandages and anti-bacterial cream, a knife and energy bars. Even if we intend to stay on the trail, you never know when you’ll be stuck somewhere.

In my car, I have blankets, water, some food and flares. I try to keep a full tank of gas in the winter in case I’m ever trapped in a snow drift and need to run the car for warmth.

At home, I have at least a month’s supply of medication-- essential prescriptions and over-the-counter remedies. I get bottles of water delivered and I usually have six five-gallon bottles on hand. We easily have enough food to last for three months.

Build your own. I have spent the last 7even years prepairing for the worst. A kit for my car every year. Rotate the food and water every six months. Many web sites to start you on your way. If you decide to buy a kit make sure you can “Upgrade”

Wow Lissa you make me feel lazy and unprepared!

Build your own is the way to go. Cheaper and customizable. What kind of kit are you trying to get: car, home? What duration: 72 hours, a week, the Apocalypse? We need to know these things to be able to help.

Some previous threads on this subject.

Are any of you guys keeping potassium iodide around? I kinda feel like maybe I oughta, because it’d be such a cheap and easy precaution and not something you’d be able to get when you really need it, but I guess I kinda feel like such an alarmist for considering it.

Not that I’m any authority, but I just started with a first-aid kit and expanded from there in the direction I wanted.

btw- I’m a big believer in putting first-aid kits in cars. (And may they collect dust that you never ever need them, but be there if you ever do.)

OK, if you’re lazy, you can find them on eBay.

This is a decent (not great) portable one:

Auto kit;

Pocket kit:
Home kit:

another home kit:
However- this site is the best, it has reviews, lists of items and their own kits even.


We keep some basic stuff in the car for winter weather traumas, but in general, I don’t think I’ll ever have a need for one. If I worked in the loop, I might feel differently (harkening back to 9/11 and the walking/inability to get home). But I work from home, I’m semi-rural, and frankly, I don’t think there’s anywhere in my area where I couldn’t see a farmhouse, office building or a busy road within a mile of wherever I may break down. If I was driving cross-country or through the mountains I’d prepare accordingly. But for my current sitch, I’m cool.

Here’s one page that lists supplies you will want to pack, and has other resources. Emergency Preparation

One of the most important things for emergency preparedness is to discuss rally points with your family in case you’re ever seperated by an emergency. I know that if a natural disaster/terrorist attack occurs, my husband knows to look for me at my grandmother’s house if our house is inaccessible for whatever reason. If her house is also affected, my mother’s house is next on the list. And if for some crazy reason, my mother’s house is affected, too (we’re totally fucked), he knows he should look for me at his parents’ house.

We do the same thing when we go on vacation. If we get seperated, I know to wait ten minutes in the location I last saw him and then to proceed to our hotel. (Always make sure each member of the party has enough cash for cab fare. If you don’t speak the language well, grab a hotel brocheure before you leave and keep it with you.) If, for some reason, the hotel is inaccessible, we meet at a pre-designated landmark. This last one has saved us a lot of frustration on at least two occasions.

The advice I’ve been given is that you should have enough food and supplies (including water, medication, baby supplies, etc) for 72 hours, on the grounds that while help will come, it make take that long. This is in the event of a natural disaster such as bushfire, flood or etc. I don’t know what sort of kit you’d need for the apocalypse, although I’m sure it involves lots of cases of baked beans.

This is a basic emergency supply kit from Emergency Management Australia.


Ideally, prepare your kit with all the following items, or at least make a list so you will know where to find them quickly in your home.

*Battery-operated radio (with spare batteries)
*Torch (with spare batteries), candles and waterproof matches
*Strong shoes, leather gloves, hat, goggles and overalls
*First aid kit and manual, and combination pocket knife
*Medications, toiletry and sanitary supplies and a change of clothes
*Special needs for infants, the aged and people with disabilities
*Water in sealed containers - ten litres per person (for three days)
*Three days supply of canned food (plus can opener and utensils)
* Pet food, water and other animal needs
* Portable stove with fuel
* Tent or tarpaulin, and blankets (woollen and thermal)
*Money, including change for phone calls
*Strong plastic bags (for clothing, valuables, documents, and photographs)