It has just been revealed that during the late 18th century England promoted crime!
When the people of England realised that the criminals would be sent to Australia, instand crime sprees were started all over the country!
hehehe lol
I was inspired to do this topic by a few stories i heard from family friends…
1 had a 3 month holiday in England planned, came home on the first day.
Another had a 1 month holiday planned and stayed for all of 2 weeks ( i think the extra long stay was due to the fact that she was staying with family)
I rather liked England when I went there. I had the unique experience of having a horrible cold for ten days straight. It went away as soon as the plane landed back in New York.
You know they say that when the weather is shit for 3 or so days in a row, people tend to get in bad moods… its like a psychological thing…
I guess thats why Eddie and Richie are always in such bad moods.
IMHO we got off lightly carrying the burden of moc.liamtoh@rorrim’s friends for such a short time. I’d like to take this opportunity to thank him in advance for never coming here and to commiserate with whoever lives near him now.
Hell moc if your friends have anything like your attitude, they are lucky they ran away from England as quickly as they did, some of the locals can get quite angry at such condescending attitudes.