Enron Guilty as charged. Californians need to read.

They raped you. Took you to the cleaners. And it appears they had help.


Where is Ken Lay?

Mods…please close this one. Apos’s thread is much more eloquent than mine.


My thread is better


Well…more eloquent but not better.

You didn’t ask the pertinent question.

Where is Ken Lay?

Hiding in the Lincoln bedroom?

That’s a hell of a good question. I’ve been wondering that myself for some time.

More likely in Cheney’s closet.

Holy SHIT!!!

Bolding mine.

What the HELL?

Oh fucking hell, I hope they nail these bastards to the wall!

I always picture the Ken Lays of the world sipping Mai Tais on the terrace, taking the sun. So where is he, really? Don’t have this closed just yet.

Ooooh! Ooooh! Mistah Kot-TER! I know!

How’s about “about to be indicted in two weeks’ time”?

Hey Reeder, wouldn’t this be your second Bush-bashing thread on the first page of the Pit?

Nope, that’s where his daughter is.

Closed at the request of the OP.
