Enterprise - Divergence (spoilers)

Is is apparently a Texan dialect that I picked up, despite the fact that Mama is from your noble state and most of my accent is Tennessean.

No matter where you picked it up, it’s wrong, as vibrotronica said. In Texas as in elsewhere, “y’all” is never, ever singular.

If you ever hear Person A say to Person B, “How are y’all doin’?” he’s asking about Person B and his family, rest assured.

Being dialect, it isn’t wrong in the area where it’s used.
Y’all chill out.

Our point is, there IS no area in which it’s used.

We are digressing, but a SD poll showed that some Texans and I use it that way, so there are areas.

Then there are those of us (Southern even) that deny the existence of the word at all.

Now if I could just saying I’m “fixing to” do something.

Some of my elderly relatives used “y’all” for everything, plural or singular. Very unnerving, let me tell ya. Sometimes, tho, they just said “you.” Or “plinky.” I never saw any consistant rule for the uses.

I only use “y’all” as a small plural. A large plural is “all y’all.” Singular is “you” or “plinky.”

Y’all ain’t from around here, are you?

Tennessee, born and bred.

Got the hell out of there as soon as I could though.

You obviously never ate at The Pit in Dyersburg.
You poor, lost soul.

Never even heard of the place. Where is it? Western Tennessee? I’m from the Chattanooga area, near Georgia and North Carolina.

Finley, actually, near Dyersburg in Dyer county, North of Memphis almost to Missouri.

Drove all the way through Tenn on the way to New Hampshire. And drove, and drove, and drove…

That explains it – I don’t think I’ve ever been more than fifty miles west of Nashville while in the state itself.

I have a pen pal in Louisiana who writes “y’all” in her letters to me.

In CA, people say “you guys” or “you” (meaning the collective), but never y’all–if they’re natives, that is.

“Crunk” evidently means “cool” somewhere around here, but I can’t imagine the origin.

Does anyone know the origin of “smell you!” as praise?

Talk about divergence…

Fresh Prince?

Wasn’t it invented by Conan O’Brien?

I very seriously doubt it as it’s been a part of slang for as long as I can remember and I’m a pasty-white Southern boy with no knowledge of AAVE.

I’m happy with extrapolating that at some point between TOS and TMP a cure for the virus was developed. I also don’t ahve much trouble with the virus passing on to their children. If Phlox’s “cure” was really just a weakended version of the virus that stops after “phase 1” it’s not a big stretch to say the virus stays dormant in the bloodstream and passes on in the womb like HIV does.

All in all, if you were going to finally explain the ridges, (which I know I for one didn’t really care about) I guess they explained it satisfactorally. I like it better than the FASA RPG that said Klingon’s deliberately bred hybrid races to better interact with humans and romulans. That sounds much more like a sneaky romulan plot than an honorable Klingon one. And I can even buy the augment connection. If the Klingons pride themselves on their warrior prowess, I can see them wanting to enhance that.

The only thing that doesn’t make sense now w.r.t. the ridges is Worf’s comment. Or more specifically, the conversation leading up to it. Odo, Bashir and O’Brien had no clue that Klingons had ever looked that way. Even accepting that Bashir wasn’t big on history which he admits during the uniform color conversation, he’s a doctor. Surely such a weird virus should be something he’d heard of in xenobiology. It may be that the Klingon’s “Don’t discuss it with outsiders” but now Archer and his whole crew know. Surely that knowledge wasn’t lost. If Archer and crew die in the finale without reporting back to starfleet, or if they’re sworn to secrecy, you still have the issue that Kirk & co. interacted with both types of Klingons without batting an eye. If they kept all the victims quarantined and away from human eyes, ok, maybe. But they were out front and center dealing with the humans in Kirk’s time.
Aside from that, there’s the whole issue of Trip being the only competent engineer in starfleet, and Section 31 popping up for no real reason, story-wise. And Phlox’s sudden lapse in ethics. And the Klingon’s ridiculous deadlines. (You can’t wait a freaking hour?) Oh, and Columbia’s tactical uselessness. (“Our weapons are down, we can’t help. Oh, you’re blocking the bombardment with Enterprise? Nice idea. Something we could do even without weapons while you take your functioning ship out of the line of fire and shoot back at them. Well, good luck, we’ll just sit over here and be useless…”)

Overall, quite a let down after the previous 3-parter with the Romulans, Tellarites, and Andorians, which I loved.

Now shall they make an episode explaining how Romulans acquired ridges, apparently before the Klingon virus?

And they must explain why Enterprise phasers make a hole in the target as do DS9, Voyager and I believe TNG phasers, but TOS phasers vaporize the target.

  1. Inbreeding caused from a genetic bottleneck.

  2. They’re … blue.