Enterprise - Divergence (spoilers)

Hoshi with her hair down and wearing black leather in “Affliction” will make you miss her even more.


Gimme a copy of Battlestar Galactica Six Degrees of Separation and it’s all yours in splendid Standard Play Digital!

Wait, aren’t *you *supposed to be copying *BSG *for me?

I wasn’t aware of it, but I have all except the miniseries and the Six Degrees episode, so I can make copies.

Okay, either I’m delusional or you have a bad memory.

I just checked my files and I misunderstood something you wrote. Oops.

I’ve managed to missed BSG 2 weeks in a row to spite trying as hard as I can to record/watch it. Plus the same episode is played 2 days in a row here (sat and sun).
Whens the season 1 DVD due out in North America?

I’m terribly sorry, but a rabid Elk ate the frozen brains of the distributor and there will be no North American release. Only in Britain where the series was first shown and when it is above freezing will there be a DVD release of the first season on the Elk free island.

I’m working on a couple more tapes. I don’t know if there will be anything new to tape in March–not just ENT but all the other stuff I use to fill up the tapes.

My brother is supposed to be taping BSG for me as well, but he only does so in fits and starts, plus he had cranial surgery, so I guess that’s a reasonably good excuse for putting SG1 behind the scenes specials and X Files on there even though he marks it “BSG.”

Trip and Malcom shared a bottle of something (It was either champagne, bourbon, or whiskey) when they were trapped on a shuttlepod.

Personal throwaway observation of the episode:

“If the ship goes below warp 5, we’ll explode!”

Maybe the Columbia’s captain should’ve been Keanu Reeves for this episode. :wink:

Was that the basis for the “you’re going to breathe space, and get away with it!” chapter in Clarke’s Earthlight?

Hello Carrollton buddy!

Actually, it’s long been canon that the Klingon have been modifying themselves for a long time. I have a ‘Starfleet Medical Manual’ that was published pre-ST:TMP (I’m thinking either 1975 or 1977), and it said that the Klingon race had been biologically engineering themselves to make themselves tougher for some time - it’s why Klingons tend to have more copies of certain organs than humans - they have lots of backup systems, and they didn’t have them before they developed the technology to modify themselves.

It also said that Vulcan urine was the ‘color and consistency of crude oil.’ Ew.

Okay, Pal, TDMI. (Too damn much info)

Er, did it say anything about Vulcan pimples? Green?

That’s not canon, only supposition.

The only canon is live-action Trek, not even the Encyclopedia or startrek.com is to be considered canon.

’plant, I checked “United” again last night and you’re right–Archer cannot scream worth a damn. Heck, even T’Bony screamed her head off in “Impulse.”

Ah, but Tripp!

“You Yankee sumbitch, I’ll rip y’alls liver out and eat it in front of ya!”


Y’all may be used as singular. Another poster gave an excellent example in a traffic stop:
Cop to driver: “Y’all been drinkin’.”
Cop looks at other occupants of car: “All Y’all been drinkin’.”

Welcome, Blue Ruin.

Yes, the (live-action) series and movies are the only canon elements. Many times the Klingons are just portrayed as variations on a drunk redneck. In The Search for Spock, Christopher Lloyd played a Klingon the way I like to see them. Determined, not reactive, and ruthless, not bullying. He chokes the giant paramecium to death and reports “nothing unusual.” I see Klingons as improving themselves through trial not titration. However, it makes sense that an excommunicated warrior turned scientist would try to improve Klingons and regain status that way.

Absolutely not. “Y’all” is never, ever singular. It’s a contraction of “You all”, meaning all of you people who I am looking at now. It’s the second person plural that regular English is missing.

To be hypertechnical (and hey, not only is this the Dope, but it’s also a Star Trek thread known for nitpicking, so hypertechnical is not only accepted but actively encouraged) in your first example, the cop should have said “Y’uns been drinking?” to the driver, meaning “Have you and yours (meaning, the people in your charge) been drinking?” Had he addressed all of the occupants in the car at once, it would have been proper to say “Y’all been drinking?” “Y’all” does not imply any relationship between the parties addressed, while “Y’uns” implies a familial or hierarchical relationship in the group addressed, and should be directed toward the percieved leader of said group.