ER on 4/27

OK, Pratt’s in Africa and having culture shock. Near the end of the episode, the men at the camp were beating someone to death. I missed the explaination of what he had done to deserve such a fate.

Can anyone provide an explaination?

The guy they were beating was a ‘janjaman’ (sp?) who was one of the men who had robbed Pratt and what’s-her-name (Mary McCormack’s character) and the other guy who was driving them to the camp. They had medicine and medical supplies in the truck, too, along with Pratt’s things, and they took his shoes, even. He had to walk the rest of the way in bare feet.
I think they’re like bandits who just steal what they want from whomever they come across - so when he ventured to close to the refugee camp, the men felt justified in beating him. I assume he was beaten to death.

WTF? This was like 2 entirely different episodes edited together. Oh, and go Morris.

I totally fell for the teaser that said one of them would lose their life. I guess that will happen at some point by the end of the season but not last night.

Pratt gets killed in Africa?
Clemente gets killed by the cop?
Carrie needs the crutch after all and falls down the elevator chute?
Neela can’t decide between her men and her head explodes?

The bolded one has me laughing. I think it’s because I wouldn’t be surprised if they went with that storyline, considering how ridiculously overwrought the drama has become in this show in recent seasons. I continue to watch it in the hopes that something along the lines of what you proposed will happen. The closest they’ve come is when the helicopter fell on Romano, a season after it chopped off his arm. In fact, I think that’s how they should end the series. Carrie is stepping into the elevator but the doors suddenly close on her, re-breaking her hip. After her surgery, in the series finale, she gets distracted, steps into the elevator shaft and falls, then the elevator falls on top of her. Fade to black, run credits.

And that stupid Morris kiss was telegraphed from about 5 miles away.

Thanks for the information. I replayed the beating part three times and stil couldn’t make out what was going on, Well actually why it was going on.

RE. the elevator shaft. Remember how they killed off the woman lawyer in LA Law? She was standing there with her back to the elevator doors having a conversation . The arrival bell rang, she turned and stepped into the open shaft. Her companion just watched her go. :eek:

Actually, I didn’t watch the show but do remember hearing about that. And here I am thinking I’m so clever. Well, if any website will prove me wrong, this one will. :smack:

How come when I get into an argument with a member of the opposite sex all that happens to me is that I get even angrier?

I feel like I’ve been missing out on something.

But I like how he kind of flailed his arms and looked like he didn’t know what to do, unlike the typical male lead who immediately knows what’s up and puts on his best moves.

I liked how nobody commented on Kerry walking without her crutch, but I’m not sure what it meant.

I think I would have said something. Her hip problem must have caused her some discomfort. Now it’s gone. Don’t you say something?

Maybe it’s like not making a comment about the crutch, which would be rude.

I think no one else really noticed it, actually. It was HER crutch (metaphorically) and her identity was wrapped up in it (as revealed in her conversation with Abby), but no one else really noticed it anymore. She was expecting comments, and got none. Sorta like being utterly and completely self conscious because one eybrow is higher than the other and no one else ever notices.

Sorta reminds you that you’re not the center of the universe and maybe, just maybe, not everyone else is as obsessed with you as you are.

That’s what I was wondering about - she came in and left it in her locker, and then walked through the ER. People asked her to sign papers and wanted her to see patients, and she kept commenting that she was off that day. So why did she make a point of walking through the ER? So they could see her without her crutch? Was she expecting comments?
I figured she was waiting for people to say something, and then no one did. Maybe she’ll actually be relieved that no one says anything and decide that’s a good thing after all.

That’s what I was wondering about - she came in and left it in her locker, and then walked through the ER. People asked her to sign papers and wanted her to see patients, and she kept commenting that she was off that day. So why did she make a point of walking through the ER? So they could see her without her crutch? Was she expecting comments?
I figured she was waiting for people to say something, and then no one did. Maybe she’ll actually be relieved that no one says anything and decide that’s a good thing after all.

I think the word someone was looking for was janjaweed, and I’m still not sure of the spelling.
It wasn’t as horrific as the “Darfur” episode of a few weeks back, but still awful.

Explains the term “janjaweed”

Heh. Two of my coworkers got into a very heated argument last week, and they didn’t end up kissing. They’re still not speaking to each other and were assigned to work on different teams for our new project, probably at one or the other’s request (most likely hers). Guess that sort of thing only happens on TV, huh?

Which one of the writers has a hardon for the stupid Africa plots? I thought most fans hated them as much as I do, and the ones following Galant to Iraq are very little better. Make either of them into a spin-off no one will watch, won’t they?

This is what happens.

She survives the initial fall, but a Cessna that somehow found its way into the shaft crushes her to death.

Abby’s baby turns out to be the Devil’s spawn, taking after its psychotic grandmother.

The Africa plots are even more unwatchable than any of the eps featuring Sam’s obnoxious kid, and I didn’t think that was possible.
Until this season.