ESA to Build Spaceship in Conjunction With the Russians

Hmm. This design seems a mite familiar. . .

Of course the design seems familiar, that’s like saying: “hmmm, this new car design is to have 5 seats, 4 wheels, a steering wheel and an internal combustion engine. That looks a mite familiar.”

You can’t expect them to re-invent space travel just to be original. Gliding back down is the best way to do it, of course they are going to do it that way :smiley:

Remember - this device is going to have to be able to do the following:

[li]survive re-entry[/li][li]perform a controlled glide from hypersonic speeds to a rather fast, but still subsonic landing speed, without ever losing control - and without any way to add velocity once lost[/li][/ul]

As long as it’s dealing with the same environmental factors that were such a big part of the design considerations for the Space Shuttle, it’s not surprising that it’s going to be a similar design. What I’d like to see would be a design for an aerodynamic lander for an atmosphere like that of Venus.