ESPN OTL, Mel Kiper, 7 on 7 Football, SEC Football, A coverup?

I have been trying to piece together this story from the blogger? Muckraker? SportsbyBrooks.

IMO, the article is poorly written and I cannot figure out what is so nefarious about this story.

I’ve only heard of the Sports by Brooks blog before, but it does not have a good reputation. Now that I’ve read this story, I see why. I can not understand what the deal is. Are they talking about high school 7-on-7 events? Are they illegal per NCAA rules? Mel Kiper endorses some 7-on-7 camp and that’s bad? I can’t even grasp what the OTL that is referenced several times was about.

OTL is “Outside the Lines” an investigative reporting type show that airs at 9 am ET on sunday morning on ESPN. I usually watch and normally it is pretty informative. I missed the show on “7 on 7 football” a week ago yesterday so maybe that is why I am little confused.

An OTL segment also airs at 3 pm et during the week, but usually it is a repeat or a lighter fare. Many times it is preempted during the week.

It was an incredibly poorly written article (or may be I’m missing something), but it looks like 7-on-7 events are being investigated by, I guess, the NCAA and the SEC banned them. This is supposedly a big deal because Mel Kiper has some sort of financial connection to one of the companies and apparently ESPN didn’t disclose that fact in bright bold flashing letters using the appropriate words that this blogger liked. There was also something about a boat party and then there was a dream within a dream and Leonardo DiCaprio wanted to get back to the US to see his kids and then I blacked out…

So yeah. This guy is hackapotumus.

Good, I was thinking I being more stupid than normal when I read the article, and could not understand it.

I have been following this guy on twitter and he is indeed very full of himself.

Is it any wonder he is full of himself when complete strangers who claim they believe he’s an idiot still follow him? :smiley:

As to the story, agreed that it’s written badly. But what’s the real issue here with Kiper? Does anyone care?

It can’t be simply that Kiper has a financial tie to a 7 on 7 camp. There has to be something else deeper that ESPN and Kiper are trying to hide, although I can’t imagine what, and I can’t image who would care.

I should have clarified. I know what OTL is. What I could not grasp from the article was what the heck the topic of the specific episode of OTL was. I got that it was about 7-on-7 events. But at what level? High school? And why are they frowned upon in the first place? Because of the nature of 7-on-7 or because there are some shady activities going on, such as the boat party? Something tells me Mel Kiper has nothing to worry about.

The only place I’ve heard of Sports by Brooks, by the way, is on the local sports radio station where a couple hosts have bashed them in the recent past for denying the depth of the OSU scandal.