Greetings dopers. I have lurked here for nearly 20 years and am finally stepping forward with a Dilema from my weekend.
I live on about two acres and have been looking for a riding mower on Craig’s list. This past Friday, after a big week at work, I saw a used mower for sale for $400. No pictures were included, but the man seemed pleasant enough by phone, so I said I would beautiful to see it in 20 minutes. I then called back to say that my bank would only let me take out $300 max per day from the ATM, and would he be okay with PayPal or a check for the remaining $100.
So I get there to see the mower and there were a few red flags. The mower was in the trailer already, he started it up the first time but it died, but he started it up the second time and it ran just fine. Mower is about five years old with average wear and tear, not a fastidious piece but not a wreck.
He said on the phone that the mower was loaded and that he could deliver it. When I decided I would buy it, he said that his friend with the truck wasn’t there yet, but I could hook the trailer to my car and tow it to my place. I write down my address, he says he will head out that night to pick trailer up.
Get home, roll mower out, go to start it… Nothing. It turns over, but the engine doesn’t catch. After 15 seconds of trying the battery is drained. I pull the spark plug, dry it off, wait 20’ and jump it. Engine turns. But still won’t catch.
I call his phone, no answer, leave message; mower won’t start, do you have some pointers?
Get up the next morning and try again, still the same. Now i am getting nervous. I email, say that this mower isn’t working, and I want to load it up in his trailer, bring it back, he can keep $50, tinker with it and resell it. Wait an hour, call the phone, no answer. Email. Call. Email again.
At 11, he replies that he can’t give me any money back but that he could give me a battery charger. We go back and forth once, each sticking to our take on the events.
Part two coming soon