Ethical to screen out Trump supporters applying for a job?

Lol. You all are a tough crowd.

I corrected you on this nearly a week ago back in post #192:

That’s your opinion. Should you be disqualified from a job or housing due to it?

Are you still resolutely ignoring the distinction between an opinion and a delusional refusal to accept demonstrable facts?

Like I said:

I mean, do you conservatives/Republicans seriously think that the normalization of delusional falsehood and uncritical gullibility about ridiculous conspiracy theories and “alternative facts”, as though it were on a par with mere difference of “political belief”, is a tiger you’re actually going to be able to ride?

Do you want the leaders of your political party to be telling outright lies in bringing suit against the Republican Vice-President to attempt to force him to overturn a Presidential election despite total lack of evidence for electoral irregularities? Do you want the Republican President to be feverishly denouncing his fellow Republicans all over Twitter because they are reluctant to encourage his delusional fantasies about overturning the election? Do you want the Republican President trying to make important Senate runoff races all about his “stolen election” fantasy and turning his voters against local Republicans in the process? Do you want a Republican administration ranked literally worst in all the world for its incompetent handling of one of the most destructive global pandemics of the last century? Do you want Republican candidates henceforth to have to choose between embracing the nuttiest popular conspiracy theories and getting thrown out as execrated “traitors” if they dare to exhibit a little honesty or reasonableness or critical thinking or, God forbid, bipartisan pragmatism? Do you like having the frantically dishonest machinations of your leadership universally despised except by a bunch of angry ignorant naifs whom you despise in your turn?

You Republicans/conservatives with any pretensions at all to principles and reason ought to be down on your knees thanking us Democrats/liberals for standing up to the Trumpublican insane whackadoodlery that’s taken over your party and refusing to let it masquerade as rational conservatism. Instead, you sit there on your thumbs pouting that rejection of Trumpublican insane whackadoodlery is somehow tantamount to persecuting innocent Republicans/conservatives for mere differences of “political belief”.

That’s par for the course for Republican/conservative behavior these days, it seems: make an appalling mess on foreign and domestic fronts with fact-averse incompetence and greed, flounce aside momentarily to let Democrats/liberals embark on the heavy lifting of getting the mess cleaned up, and whine constantly in the meantime about how the mean Democrats/liberals are being so unfair and self-righteous and intolerant by criticizing them for the mess.

When you put it that way Trump is a nut. But tolerating a nut for a judiciary that can parse a simple document correctly may be the wise thing to do.

Based on his delusional posts about election law, it’s clear Trump cannot “parse a simple document correctly”.

Trump isn’t in the judiciary.

No it didn’t. It started as a reaction to the stories about Harvey Weinstein, who was actually a liberal.

Well… The campaign to start tweeting bad male behaviour started right around the time of Trump’s ‘grab them by the p**sy’ remarks. I always thought the outrage generated by that shed a light on powerful men’s treatment of women, and that’s what caused Alyssa Milano to come out against Weinstein - and for the charges to be taken seriously that time. After all, Weinstein had been a known predator for decades, and some people even came forward and accused him before, but he was powerful and so everyone just looked the other way. But after the outrage over Trump, that was no longer possible.

The Trump tape came out in Oct. 2016. From Wikipedia:

I thought that was the real start of the MeToo campaign, but I can accept your view, as it appears that Milano was the first person to actually use #metoo as a hashtag. But that was really just putting a label on something that was already going on for almost a year, and which was kicked off by Trump’s Access Hollywood tape. Me Too the phrase actually dates back to 2006.

Yes, we all understand that there are doubtless many Trump voters who are rationally aware of, and disapproving of, all the nuttiness in Trump’s Presidency and the Trumpublican ideology, but are willing to hold their noses and tolerate it in exchange for achieving a specific goal, like a more conservative judiciary or big tax cuts for the wealthy. Nobody here is denying that such Trump voters exist, and that they are different in significant ways from the outright delusional partisans to whom the term “Trump supporter” has generally been applied in this thread.

But like I said, I think those Trump voters and other more-or-less rational Republicans/conservatives are fooling themselves if they imagine that they’re going to be able to keep riding the tiger of Trumpublicanism in the long term. When you tolerate and normalize that kind of rabid delusionism and incompetence, there is bound to come a time when the people getting hurt by it aren’t only poor people and brown people and liberals.

How many of those more-or-less rational Trump voters have died of COVID so far because the candidate they supported in the hope of achieving a more conservative judiciary turned out to have zero desire or ability to figure out intelligent pandemic-response measures at the federal level, for example? A Hillary Clinton administration would doubtless have produced fewer conservative judges, but also fewer dead pandemic victims.

Deliberately voting for massive idiocy, incompetence and shameless misgovernance for the sake of ideological partisanship is not likely to prove a wise long-term strategy for Republicans/conservatives.

To me, it’s an ethical/moral issue. I would have no qualms about hiring someone that supported the George Bush’s or Mitt Romney. I don’t agree with their politics, but that’s a political disagreement.

Donald Trump is a thief, a cheat and a liar. Those are perhaps the three biggest disqualifiers if you want to work for me. I am aware that lying, cheating and stealing are things that one can get sucked into slowly if their moral character is weak. And I think not recognizing or acknowledging dishonesty and theft is a bad sign, if you refuse to acknowledge that those things are wrong when you see them, then you might fail to acknowledge those things are wrong when you do them.

I maintain, as I have since 2015, that Donald Trump is a criminal. The fact that he has dodged conviction by buying his way out of criminal charges many many times does not change my opinion. The fact that he was elected to public office doesn’t change my opinion. If you admire Donald Trump, you are either stupid or dishonest, and I don’t hire stupid and I don’t hire dishonest.

And I want to mention that, about 4 years ago, there were discussions on this board about whether or not, if you were a business owner, you would serve a member of the Trump administration. AFAIK, I was the only person in those discussions for which this situation was not a hypothetical.
I did not agree with the idea of refusing service and, over the past 4 years, I did indeed do work for members of the Trump Administration.

They weren’t the first white collar criminals I worked for and they weren’t the last. Refusing to work for barely legitimate businessmen would’ve put a huge dent in my business - besides, it made for some great stories.

But I’m not employing criminals or people that worship them.

I’ll venture to make two remarks here.

  1. You are dismissing almost 50% of the population that voted for Trump
  2. It’s likely that the business owner you’re doing the hiring for is a Republican and a Trump supporter.

If 50% of the population are bat-shit crazies, racist, and child-haters as some here seem to think, we’re in deep trouble as a country in general. When it all comes crashing down, you’re not going to be hiring anybody, Trumper or not.

Once again, it isn’t everyone who voted for Trump. Its those whose public profile indicates they have qualities that seem to correlate to Trump voters and are undesirable. And different people’s trigger is different. Mine is an indication that racism or misogyny are ok - or justifiable as a worthwhile trade. Others its the lack of acceptance of verifiable facts. Others it the support of undemocratic norms. Frankly, I wouldn’t hire a liberal whose Facebook posts talked about “Karens” either - its a misogynistic term, and being a suburban white woman, I don’t need someone who has that sort of contempt about people like me working for me - been there, done that, have the t-shirt and it isn’t a hurdle as a manager I’m willing to take knowingly. Its a pain in the ass to correct someone on behavior that they think is normal, and its a bigger pain in the ass to get rid of them. )

Don’t post on Facebook anything you don’t want a future employer to know about. Because if the choice is between two good candidates, that album of “hot women at the beach” might be the reason I hire the guy who has a public persona that is a little more mature. Being an asshole is not a protected class, whether your assholery is being a racist Trump supporter or a Bernie Bro who posts that Hillary was “unqualified.”

Well, yes. Yes, we are.

Not really. The US has survived civil war, pandemics, insurrections, assassinations, riots, financial panics, depressions, recessions, and natural disasters for 244 years. There’s no reason to think today is any different than crises faced in the past.

And yet Trump and his enablers might enough to bring it all to an end.

When you factor in nonvoters, the percentage of the population that voted for Trump is far less than 50%.

Not to mention, for about the 30th time in this thread, we’re not talking about people who voted for Trump – we’re talking about about people who continue to actively and visibly support him.

Funny - in your own post, where you note “it isn’t about all trump voters, but the undesirableness”, you blanket reject anyone that posts about “Karens” as being mysogynistic. But “Karens” doesn’t apply to all suburban white women, but those that exhibit “Karen” behavior - the entitledness, the racism. You know, qualities that seem to correlate to entitled racist white women.

Do you beleive the election was stolen, that Mexicans are all MS13, that Chief Justice Roberts is the head iof a world-wide child sex trafficing ring? No? Then you’re not the subject of this thread. Likewise - Do you call the police and threaten black men with death by cop when they call you on your shit? No? Then you’re not a Karen.

And you don’t call all that shit “deep trouble?”