Ethical to screen out Trump supporters applying for a job?

Unfortunately, the term Karen has been used to apply to ordinary suburban white women. And calling ANYONE out based on race or gender is unacceptable - call out the behavior, not the gender.

Right, let’s send minority voters to the unemployment line whenever their party’s candidate for president loses an election. Let 'em stew there for four years, and plot insurrections, they’ll have nothing else to do, and they’ll be hungry enough to start a revolution. Makes perfect sense.

Have Trump and his supports done anything unconstitutional? All this stuff has happened before, including objections to electoral votes, and was resolved reasonably peaceably. I’m sure the media is going nuts right now over Trump’s speech today, but did he break any laws? A few people here need to read the 1st Amendment and what it says.

Storming the capitol…

Right now they’ve stormed their way into the US Capital. You tell me.

You first. Where does the First Amendment say anything about private employers?

Anyone want to amend their answer?

I would.

Now, I would not only not hire someone who actively supported Trump on social media. I would also fire anyone already working for me who did so.

Like I said, I don’t think trying to ride the tiger of Trumpublicanism is a viable long-term strategy for “pragmatic” Trump voters and other rational conservatives. But I am a bit startled at how quickly and dramatically the Trumpublicans have validated that prediction. I can only hope that some of the “pragmatic” Republican legislators being evacuated from the Capitol for their protection from the violence of their fellow Trump voters are now rethinking some of their choices.

Indeed, I read reports that the final straw that enraged a lot the the ones storming the Capitol was the spectacle of seeing Moscow Mitch telling the other senators that planned to vote to overturn an election that they were doing harm to the nation.

A little too late for that Mitch, enjoy the Trumpsters undermining “your” party.

Just reposting this from earlier…

This is basically it. No, I don’t know if any given Trump supporter sitting in front of me would storm the capital, encourage violence, threaten minorities, pay off a porn star, or bribe a government official for their own benefit.

But I know they signed off on all of it and make excuses for it. It’s just not rational and it’s not adult, to say nothing of unprincipled. I can’t have someone who’s going to fuck up the TPS reports and explain themselves by saying “what about Bobby in accounting getting to work 10 minutes late last Thursday, huh? What about that?”

No. Thanks.

Back when I hired people, the people I hired had to show the highest level of critical and logical thinking, and also be able to find and absorb information from a wide range of sources.
Anyone who swallows the CT bullshit a Trumpist does fails on all counts.

Worth noting that a few companies have already fired Trump supporters that had participated in yesterday’s Capitol attack. One dumbass actually wore his corporate lanyard to the event.

That guy would surely have been fired for sheer stupidity even if the company he worked for was run by rabid Trumplicans.

That’s an easy call. But what if one of your employees posted Facebook messages supporting the rioters, or praising Trump for his response to yesterday’s events? Would you fire them?

I would.

I dunno. It’s technically a public building and they vandalized it. Is that unconstitutional? I’m sure it’s against a law or two, but I don’t think I’ve seen anything in the Constitution that addresses vandalism to public buildings.

How cute that you consider a violent assault on our nation’s capital while Congress was in session “vandalism.” You probably categorized 9/11 as “reckless operation of an aircraft.”

I don’t think it’s unethical. After all, part of evaluating applicants is trying to get a handle on their “fit” and suitability for working in your organization.

The classic phrase describing this is “Hire for attitude, train for skill”, and I’d argue that being an avowed Trump supporter is a pretty damned good indicator of their attitudes toward a great many things and if you don’t think that sort of attitude is what you want in your company/department/team, then you’re absolutely within your rights and ethics to say no to them as a result.

They have been snubbed by potential employers, told they would be a “liability” and in one instance were even compared to the “Hitler Youth.”

This is the job market many experienced national security officials who work for President Donald Trump are facing just days before a new president takes office and they will be out of work.

Across the administration, national security officials have been struggling to find new employment, and conversations with seven former and current officials reveal that they have been tainted by their time working for Trump.