Actually, a very good question.
I figured, after 9/11, that we had pretty much seen the end of hijacking as we had come to know it.
I mean, if I am on a plane, and a gaggle of Arab-looking guys attempts to take over the plane using box cutters and nail clippers, I would be very surprised if the passengers did not rise up in a righteous wrath and beat the living crap out of the hijackers.
My point here is that Americans no longer trust ANYONE to be rational in a hijack situation. There is none of this “Everyone stay calm and we’ll get out of this okay,” nonsense.
From now on, whenever a plane is hijacked, everyone on board is going to be thinking, “This is it. Where will they crash us? White House? Statue Of Liberty? The Baldwin Brothers’ mansion?”
In short, any hijacker who is not equipped with some sort of firearm and lacks the combat ability of Jackie Chan is going to have his ass ripped off and handed to him.
And supposedly, it’s harder than hell to sneak a gun aboard a plane these days. And even Jackie Chan is going to have a tough time dealing with fifty crazed people fighting for their lives in close quarters aboard an airplane. That is, unless he’s filming one of his movies, in which case he’ll kick ten or twenty butts before leaping out the escape hatch and improvising a parachute out of his jockstrap or something. But I digress.
The question presupposes that someone – me, for example – is going to be in a position to MAKE that decision. Is it morally right for me to crash a plane and sacrifice my children, or X-Slayer’s children, or whoever, and thus deny terrorists the opportunity?
Depends. MOST things depend.
First of all, if I am fairly certain that the plane is doomed, no matter what, then I feel a certain moral imperative to do what I can to minimize loss of life. Sorry about your kids, Slayer, but I’m going to bring her down in some Pennsylvania cornfield. Actually, I’d try to land her safe, if I could, but, again, I may not be in a position to make that decision.
…but therein lies the rub. Let’s say we’ve got a gaggle of terrorists with, say, Buck knives. Fairly dangerous weapons, and easier to kill someone with than a box cutter, sure. Let’s say they’ve promised that no one will be harmed if we all sit tight and do as we’re told, and stay out of the way.
What now?
Well, that’s when we get to play it by ear.
The people aboard the plane that DID crash in a Pennsylvania field were content to sit tight… until they discovered what was happening with several other planes around that same time. Then they made a decision to stand up and do something about it, rather than allow themselves and their aircraft to be used as a murder weapon.
…and I find their decision pretty hard to fault.
Sure, maybe the terrorists on THAT plane had changed their minds. Maybe they were looking for a safe place to land and surrender themselves. Maybe they had decided to take the plane to Cuba, instead.
…but the fact remains: we can no longer afford to take a terrorist’s word for much of anything any more…
…can we?