EU residents: do you see the EU flag everywhere?

Okay, so I went to the nearby larger city today, and paid attention: I counted four EU flags, two in the city center, one in a shop I walked past, and one on the police station.

Sounds like that is a little higher than normal. Hm.

Antonius Block, I haven’t heard anything specific about Peace Corps Bulgaria being discontinued with EU membership, but there has been some discussion of this possibility among us Volunteers, anyway. I’ve heard some vague talk from officials that Bulgaria is approaching a point of development where we won’t be needed/it will be embarrassing to have us in country. (Bulgaria is probably the most developed PC country in the world; our country director, who served in Mali, jokingly calls us the Posh Corps.) There’s enough talk that I was happily surprised to hear that there will be another class of TEFLs coming next spring - I didn’t want to be in the last group.

BTW, most people I’ve talked to do not believe that BG and RO will enter the EU in January, that it’s more likely to happen in 2008. We’ll see.

In the UK, the sort of people who like to fly flags are NOT the sort of people who welcome the European Union :slight_smile:

Flag-waving here tends to be linked to right-of-centre political views - the legendary “middle england” - the current passion for England flags in the World Cup is driven by working class / lower middle class Brits, Sun-readers etc

The left-leaning museli-munching liberals - who are the main supporters of the EU project - wouldn’t usually dream of flying a flag from their houses, so it’s not an issue for them.

From direct experience, at the Tory-controlled County Council where I work, we tend only to fly

  1. the union jack
  2. the county standard
  3. the flag of a partner town

… I don’t think I’ve seen the EU flag (possibly on a one-off special day), but it’s certainly not a regular sight.