
Given the enormous number of stars & therefore planets out there—why is it logical that anybody could find us in the first place?

With magic, you can turn a frog into a prince. With science, you can turn a frog into a Ph.D, and you still have the frog you started with.

In 1974 or '75 (based on the car I was driving and the woman I was with) I was driving from Austin to Houston on 290. It was about 9:00 PM and there was a very low overcast (~500 feet) and we noticed a glow in the clouds ahead, about 4 miles off. We pulled over and got out to watch, as did several other people.

The aircraft came up the highway quite slowly and passed directly over us; it was right at the overcast level and we could only make out what I believe to be the bottom portion of the craft. It appeared to have windows that curved around an underhanging cockpit, an amber glow outlined them. It passed us and then disappeared. Total time of observation was about three minutes.

What it made me think of was a dirigible, although the gondola (if that’s what I was seeing) seemed large. It also seemed like odd blimp-flying conditions. But, that’s what we saw.

FTR, I have always regarded this as an unidentified flying object of terrestial origin. I am as skeptical of extraterrestial visitations as my brother (denizen of the great altered state of New Mexico) is not.

What’s interesting to me is the impression made on my companion. We lost touch but regained it in the late 80’s. After a little socializing her husband took me aside and asked me to please tell him about the UFO we saw. My SO (of the time) reported that she had an independent conversation with this lady, and my old companion obviously was quite shaken by the experience.