I am in a position now where I need to decide upon a lawyer fairly quickly. I can’t really ask any of the “experienced adults” in my life as ideally I don’t want them to know about (for want of a better way of putting it) my criminal activities
My preferred lawyer, incidentally, is one who I “know” because he posts regularly on a message board I frequent (no, not the dope!) so I have some understanding about how he thinks. I am, however, meeting up with another one too, that one selected because she represented me as a duty solicitor for the heinous crime of doing 73mph in a 50mph limit (well I was charged with more but she bargained it down). I do want alternatives though.
So - some stuff is total common sense. I have a bit of that. But I would be immensely grateful to hear tips, any tips at all in fact, both about seeking lawyers and evaluating them. The precise juristriction I don’t want to give because it could identify me with a googling prosecutor, but it’s north of France