1. When the end credits roll, is there a voice over telling you what’s next? or, worse yet, does the screen squeeze to one side and the news people come on?
Sometimes, is all I can say. On Sky One, there always is, but the screen hardly ever squeezes in one corner. I hate that, too!
The BBC are good about this, as are Channel 4.
2. Speaking of news, do UK news programs follow the same pattern as US shows (news, weather, and then sports)? Do you have local news shows for each town? are they as bad as some US local news personalities?
It’s news, sports, then weather. We have local programmes for different regions… ie, up here we have the news in the Northwest. The presenters have their own personalities but they’re not bad/annoying. The BBC in particular wouldn’t allow it.
3. Is there an equivalent of a “State of the Union” address?
Just the Queen’s speech, as said before. But I haven’t seen one for years, and they’re certainly not political.
*i4. Do you have reruns? I know a lot of UK shows have very short runs (compared to US shows). *
Oh, God, yes. The only show I feel I really have the time to watch lately is MAS*H. That should tell you something!
5. What’s the worst UK-version of a US show and vice-versa?
I don’t know about the first one, but the US version of the Weakest Link really annoyed me. Oh, yes, to take it to America, inflate the main prize a hundredfold…
6. How much US programming is available? is there a backlash against it?
There’s a whole load of it, don’t worry. I generally watch Friends, Frasier, MAS*H, Will and Grace, and a few more…
But then there’s great British shows, too. Was watching Last of the Summer Wine this afternoon…
I’m off to watch the Sixth Sense now… BBC 1, nine o’clock…