Ever been distracted by what's on a t-shirt?

It may be a coincidence, but that’s also the title of the best-known single by the post-punk band The Pop Group.

And, for the ladies, there’s “I TAUGHT YOUR BOYFRIEND THAT THING YOU LIKE.” I really want that one. :slight_smile:


Actually, that was pretty trendy in the U.S. in the mid- to late-1980s.

My brother had one that each of us wore to various work-related (but not work sponsored) events when we were both working for a company briefly owned by Exxon:

We don’t care.
We don’t have to care.
We’re EXXON.
At Exxon We’re part of the problem.

(Of course, I have no idea how many of you youngsters remember the ad from which that derived.)

A guy I knew in high school had this one.

What made it funny is that he is, in fact, a parapalegic. It definitely got a few solid laughs the first time he wore it.

When I was first in Japan, in the early 80’s, there was a popular shirt that had “New York Chastity Club” in huge lettering. Tame, sure, but struck me as funny.

I saw one last spring that looked like it said “TOP STARIN” and it took me a couple seconds to realize what it said… and no, I didn’t stop staring… :slight_smile:

I love this one.

I had (still have but don’t use it anymore) a t-shirt that said Fuck me and Marry me young. It certainly got a lot of attention when I wore it when iw as out partying.

It’s a Sisters of Mercy t-shirt and the line is from the song Driven Like the Snow.

Or this reversal: “Look at my chest when I’m talking to you!”


I’m sure it was, as it was surrounded by complete gibberish and cutesy patterns…

But it was weird enough to make you stop and wonder, Is there a message in there, or is it just absolute random gabblings?

In college, I had a shirt that said “Beer drinkers get more head” It was pretty popular there, but it mysteriously vanished the first time I took it home and mom got it in the laundry.

Couple weeks ago at a ballgame, I saw:

I may have Alzheimer’s

But at least I don’t have Alzheimer’s

Seen in Vancouver a few years ago:

20something male, teensy glasses, long ratty hair, ditto beard, Birkenstocks, red T shirt with large black letters reading: KILL ALL HIPPIES

Reminds me of one I saw that said, “I have an enormous Johnson”, with a picture of a motorboat.

I’ve been on the lookout for this one forever… can’t seem to find it.

I actually had that, bought it right after the Valdez at the Clearwater Revival.
(I thought it was based on the old Lily Tomlin, Ma Bell Parady of the AT&T commercial)

I often wondered about Girls/Women who wear text across their Chest and then act offended if you stare. I mean Men are too likely to stare without and excuse, once you advertise, forget about it. :wink:

The nice thing about it is that it’s so small that you could wear it out in public without too many people being offended. Especially if you live in a retirement area, like I do.

One I saw while walking past someone on a New York sidewalk:


As I walk past him, I turned around naturally just to see if something was on the back of the shirt:


And just the other day (in small writing):

“As you squint to read this, I briefly control your mind.”

Mine says “How many tomatos died for your salad?”

However the one that made the day for a lady at Bath & Body works yesterday was my shirt with 70’s like shooting star artwork that said:

With a shirt like this, who needs pants?

Twenty years ago I was working in a gas station and a girl walked in with a t-shirt that said “I blow bubbles”. A little suggestive, but too cute for my liking. Then a guy walked in with a t-shirt saying (ya I know you guessed it) “bubbles.”

My favorite that suprised me a couple years ago. A girl walking towards me has a shirt that says in big letters:


and my first reaction was “oh, another bible thumper”
but when I got closer I could read in smaller print under the big letters:

“for a Klondike Bar”