Ever feel your heartbeat in your ear?

I’ve had this thing for several years, where I almost constantly feel and hear my heart beating in my right ear. It drives me batty, especially when I’m trying to fall asleep.
Yes, I’ve been to an ear specialist, had an MRI, and a hearing test (which I’m quite proud to say I scored excellently on) and apparently there’s no danger or anything. It’s called pulsetile tinnitus. After the doctor reviewed the tests and came to the conclusion that it wasn’t dangerous, that was pretty much it, and he didn’t say what it could be or if anything can be done about it.
If I tilt my head slightly to the left, it comes close to going away.
Any ideas?

I hear various tinnitus sounds, one of which is my heart beat in either ear. Unfortunately, I do have big problems, although my last surgury made my hearing pretty functional. My worst tinnitus sound is what I call my “idling semi-truck”, a low rumbling that sounds just like a large truck idling. Actually, a sound machine works really well at blocking it out most of the time, so if yours bothers you at night, you might try that.

My understanding is that a lot of people do have tinnitus that have good hearing…I’d keep an eye on it just in case though.

Mine isn’t constant, but it’s fairly often. I have migraines, and I always associated it with that for some reason, but maybe it’s completely independent.

When I am playing a piano recital, I get so nervous I can barely hear what I am playing over the din of my own heartbeat. I swear at that moment the sound is deafening. I would guess most of this is just my perception, I’m not REALLY hearing my heart booming at eighty decibels.

The sound is like the sound of a battering ram hittting a gate- BOOM BOOM BOOM. I can feel it reverberating through my whole body.

When I overexert myself running or playing Dance Dance Revolution, often my heart rate is so high I can hear the blood flowing through my head, but most unpleasantly is the sensation of the blood jetting in and out, primarily around my temples and my gums.

The few times that has happened I have fainted almost immediately after.

Aaaargh, I have that too, trublmakr. I was hoping for some tips. The only time when it stops, is when I push really hard on my ear. But you know, that looks pretty silly, when doing that outside. :wink:

sometimes when bending over, I get a squeak in my left ear of my heartbeat.
I assume its perfectly normal.

I hear this all the time, especially when trying to fall asleep. I have done since I was small.

I, too, have had this on and off since I was small. I remember that the pulse of the heartbeat in my ear would rythmically compress the fabric of the pillow and make the sound of boots crunching through gravel. It was like listening to a troop of Legionnaires marching through my brain.

Have you had it checked out?

This happened to me a couple of times when I was going through major stress and/or burning the candle at both ends; my doc had me wear a heart monitor for 24 hours, and my heart rate was up to 180 bpm at some points. She eventually diagnosed me with mitral valve prolapse, which isn’t normally dangerous, but a) is treatable, and b) can be very disconcerting (and made me quite dizzy, which is why I had it checked out). She also told me probably 5-10% of the population has some sort of heart arrhythmia, and most of them don’t know it. A lot of the time, it’s not dangerous, but in your position I’d want to know what was going on.

I checked with the doctor at the time and she figured it was maybe a passing virus that was playing with my blood pressure. All my check-ups have been normal, as is my blood pressure and heartrate.

It’s been a few years, so I haven’t worried too much, but if it starts happening again I will probably camp on her doorstep.